"Why Cultures Matter"


Please check out the latest article by Professor Miriam Adeney, “Why Cultures Matter,” published in the International Journal of Frontier Missiology, 32-2 (2015): 93-97.

“Globalization scatters torrents of travelers – laborers, immigrants, students, refugees, businessmen – like a tsunami washing over every society.  People mingle.  [….]  Amid this global whirlpool, how much do cultures matter?  How much do people matter?  Or are other priorities more important today?”

Dr. Adeney identifies four reasons why cultures still matter, including a particularly Christian reason: Culture is a gift of God. Cultures “must be valued as treasure chests of symbols for exuberant expression of the image of God. Such cultures enrich God’s world. [….] The God who creates billions of unique snowflakes and personalities, […] who imagines a boggling array of tropical fish in the ocean […] delights in diversity.”

To read the entire article, including a response by Gene Daniels, click here.

For a more comprehensive synopsis of Dr. Adeney's publications, please visit her faculty profile.

Posted: Monday, November 30, 2015