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Information for Online Students and Alums in the
School of Education Winter Quarter 2002

Please address the following items as soon as possible:

Registering Over the Web

Financial Aid for 2001-2003

Purchasing Books

Other items

Congratulations graduates!

Where Do My Colleagues Live?

Online Re/Union

Library Web Page for Online Students

Microsoft Office for $10???

Registering Over the Web

Registration for Winter Quarter begins November 26, 2001.  Please register for classes by December 19, 2001. Classes will start Monday, January 7, 2002.  You will receive an email message by 5 PM on January 7 with instructions on how to access your courses.

The following online courses are available Winter Quarter. Cohort 2 students are in their second year of the program. Cohort 3 students are in their first year. The classes that are open to all can be taken by cohort students in place of electives.                                     



Course Name


R or E

Intended audience

EDU 6526


Models of Teaching

Hammill, Patricia


Cohort 2

EDU 6655


Advanced Educational Psychology

Smith, Peter


Cohort 3

EDCO 6676

23696 Students at Risk: Assessment and Intervention   Required Cohort 2

EDRD 6533


Writing: Process to Product

Kennison, Elletta


Cohort 3*

EDRD 6533


Writing: Process to Product

Kennison, Elletta


Open to all


22778 Networking and Telecommunication for Education Wicks, David Elective Open to all

*This section is intended for Cohort 3 students but they may substitute another course in its place.

You may register over the web by following the directions below:

  1. Go the SPU home page:  //
  2. Choose the Banner Information System under the SPU Virtual Campus
  3. The following message will appear.  Please follow the directions given.

    The Banner Information System requires a User ID (your student ID number, usually your social security number) and a PIN (the number you selected the first time you used the system, or your birth date if you have never logged into the Banner System) for access. If you are having trouble with your ID or PIN, please contact Student Academic Services at, Demaray Hall 151, (206) 281-2031 or Computer & Information Systems at, Lower Marston Hall, (206) 281-2982.

  4. Once you are in Banner, choose the Student Menu
  5. Choose Register, Add or Drop Classes
  6. Select Winter 2002
  7. Enter CRN numbers for courses you wish to take and choose Submit Changes
  8. Once you have finished registering for courses, please log out

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Financial Aid for 2001-2003

Reminder: For those of you, who need financial aid for this year, don't forget to fill out a 2001-2002 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  You can call Student Financial Services at 1-800-737-8826 and have a paper application mailed to you, or you can complete the application via the Internet at

The 2002-03 FAFSA's are now available. You can either request a paper copy by calling the Student Financial Services office at 1-800-737-8826, or you can file via the web at Please note, both the paper and web FAFSA cannot be submitted until January 2, 2002.

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Purchasing Books

There are several options for obtaining textbooks.

  • SPU has a Barnes and Noble Bookstore on campus. Some students have had good success working with them. Others have not. If you want to work directly with the bookstore you can go to their web site at // or call them at (206) 281-2303.
  • A second option is to contact us at or (206) 281-2212 and we will get the books for you from the bookstore and send you an invoice.
  • A third option is to find the book online. We provide you with the ISBN number so that you can find your own books. A good source for finding books online is It is a search engine that lists prices for both new and used books at various online bookstores.  Please order early if you order online. Let us know if you need assistance.

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Textbooks for This Quarter

Prices from SPU Barnes & Noble Bookstore







EDU 6526


Models of Teaching, 6th

Joyce & Weil $69.00


EDU 6655


Human Learning, 3rd Ed.




EDCO 6676


Hope fulfilled for at-risk and violent your: K-12 programs that work, 2nd

Barr & Parrett



  1557664854 The educator's guide to medical issues in the classroom. Kline $29.95 $22.50
EDRD 6533 0801332524 Creating Writers Spandel $37.00 $27.75



Teaching Writing : Balancing Process and Product, 3rd






Building Learning Communication in Cyberspace, 99 edition



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Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to the following graduates. We are very proud of you. A few more should join them shortly once they have had a chance to finish their comps. We look forward to seeing everyone at graduation.

Kym Arensen *
Doug Barnes *
Kent Biggs
Judy Cain
Patricia Edmondson
Jennifer Jacobs
Stephanie Kennedy
Carey Krumsick
Stacey Krumsick
Tami Nesting *

* Indicates students who participated in the 2001 Commencements ceremony.

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Where Do My Colleagues Live?

The online program is now in its third year. Click on the following links to see general information about where your classmates live. We have cohort students in Alaska, Kentucky, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin (and pretty soon Illinois).

United States

Oregon and Washington

Western Washington

Puget Sound

Portland Area

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Online Re/Union

We want to provide an opportunity for online students, faculty and staff to get together during winter quarter. If you are interested in participating in such an event please email David Wicks at If we are unable to arrange a meeting during Winter quarter we will plan on seeing many of you either at graduation on June 8th or at the summer orientation which will be held during the week of August 5.

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Library Web Page for Online Students

The SPU Library has put together a web page to help online students understand how to get library-related materials. Click on the link below to explore the page. Let us know what you think of it.


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Microsoft Office for $10???

The Computer and Information Systems (CIS) department at SPU has licensed Microsoft Office XP for PC or Microsoft Office 2001 for Macintosh for all faculty, staff, and students. The PC version comes with Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Access. The Mac version comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Entourage. You can get your own licensed copy for $10. They also charge $5 for shipping. The retail price for this product is over $400 and the educational price is $150. It's a great deal and you will be asked to use several of the applications in your courses. Go to the following link for more information. //

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Copyright © 2006Seattle Pacific University
Online Learning: (206) 281-2212
3307 3rd Ave West
Seattle WA 98119