BIO 3453: Biodiversity: Plant Identification and Taxonomy (2024-2025)

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Explores sampling, identification, and systematics of the major plant families with special emphasis on the flora of the Pacific Northwest. Includes laboratory/field studies. Typically offered: Spring. Fee(s): Biology Laboratory Fee

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Spring 40043 5 Tim Nelson
1:00PM-2:20 PM
Eaton Hall 322
16 of 16 seats open
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Fees: Biology Laboratory Fee: $30 (refundable)
Corequisites: BIO 3453F, BIO 3453L
Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Blended
Note: Full Term

(BIO 2103: C- or better
OR BIO 2571: C- or better)