Cercle français
Whether hosting guest speakers, film viewings, seasonal celebrations, French conversational hours, and campus or community outreach activities, the Cercle français (French Club) offers students an opportunity to hone their organizational and event planning skills while providing a space for interested students to get to know each other better outside of the classroom, to practice their French, and to experience Seattle’s ever-expanding French and francophone cultural, cinematic, and culinary offerings. For more information, contact Dr. Michelle Beauclair.
Link Club
Dr. Owen Ewald is the faculty advisor for Link, the club for all fandoms. The club was founded in 2011 by a group of students, some of whom majored in the LCL department. The Link Constitution reads, “Some of the interests we intend to focus on are video games, role-playing games, comic books, popular fiction novels, science fiction, and fantasy. We hope that Link can become a community where people who aren't the best at socializing can come to make friends, find new interests, and get plugged into the SPU community.”
For more information, visit Link Club on Facebook.
Spanish Conversation Table
Are you interested in improving your Spanish? Every Friday, join Spanish language professor Vilma Illanes for a lively conversation table! Drop ins welcome. When: Fridays, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Marston Hall 252