2014 Business as a Calling Day

2014 Business as a Calling Day speaker Dr. Michael Naughton’s insights into work as calling, work as giving, and the essential importance of leisure were in sharp contrast to prevailing views of work.

Michael Naughton Beginning with his thesis that “If we don't get leisure right, we won't get work right,” Dr. Naughton offered hopeful perspectives and helpful suggestions for honoring the importance of work without permitting it to dominate our life. Watch his presentation.

Dr. Naughton is an expert on Catholic social thought and the author and editor of several books and articles, including Managing as if Faith Mattered and Rethinking the Purpose of Business. He directs the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought and holds the Alan W. Moss Endowed Chair in Catholic Social Thought at the University of St. Thomas. He earned a doctorate in Theology and Society from Marquette University and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas.

Dr. Naughton also serves on several corporate boards and has brought together an international community of scholars and practitioners to engage practical and theoretical questions about theology and business. His visit to SPU was made possible by the Bruce R. Kennedy Ethical Leadership Visiting Scholar Endowment. Bruce Kennedy was former CEO of Alaska Airlines, and the Visiting Scholar fund was established to honor his extraordinary legacy as an ethical business leader.