You are required to have an email address through SPU. If you
use another email address, then arrange to have your SPU email forwarded to that
Class attendance is expected. You should contact the
teacher in advance (by phone or email) if you must miss class for any reason.
Attendance will be taken during certain unannounced class sessions, and ten
points will be deducted for any students who are absent without providing
notice. If you miss class, you need to see another student to receive notes and
handouts for that day. Do not ask the teacher for any handouts for days you
missed. Students with disabilities need to contact Disabled Student Services in
the Center for Learning to request academic accommodations.
Call 281-2800 to determine if snow has changed the schedule.
Students with disabilities need to contact Disabled
Student Services in the Center for Learning to request
academic accommodations.
A note to the very small minority of you who might be
considering cheating: Any form of academic dishonesty (including copying exam
answers from another student or submitting a paper copied from another source
without attribution) is a serious offense and can be expected to result in a
failing grade for the course.