Low Interest Rates Make Student Loan Consolidation Attractive
IF YOU ARE REPAYING student loans, you may be able to benefit from the current low interest rates, says Seattle Pacific University Director of Student Financial Services Vickie Rekow. "To take advantage of all-time low interest rates, which are as low as 3.46 percent, you may want to consider loan consolidation. Loan consolidation is available whether you are in your grace period or in repayment."
Contact the lender or servicer to which you are making payments to determine if loan consolidation will work for you. For general information regarding the Federal Loan Consolidation program, check the Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA) at www.nela.net.
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From the President
The Board of Trustees adopted a new SPU mission statement in May 2002. "I believe passionately in what we are trying to articulate here," says President Philip Eaton.
Baseball: Genesis to Numbers
Professor of History Bill Woodward is on a lecture tour throughout small-town Washington for "Inquiring Mind," a popular project of the Washington Commission for the Humanities.
Tiffany Bricks Project
Alumni, friends and members of the SPU community are invited to purchase and inscribe a brick from the former Tiffany Hall. Funds will directly benefit student scholarships.
Varsity Pair Rows to Gold
The Falcon women's varsity pair crew shell rowed to its first national championship gold medal in the Dad Vail Regatta.
My Response
Nick Glancy, Class of 2002, writes about September 11, the Gospel of John and J.R.R. Tolkien in this new Response department.
[My Response]