Summer at SPU: Classes, Conferences and Construction
THE "LAZY DAYS OF SUMMER" are more like the "lively days of summer" at Seattle Pacific University. Classes ended in early June, but numerous events and projects are ongoing throughout the summer — including a visit from the "Bible Quizzers," Summer Sessions and building projects.
Beginning in mid-June, more than 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in two Summer Sessions, staying on track for graduation. As they filled classrooms, hammers and drills continued to resound across campus in numerous construction and mainte-nance projects. The new science building is steadily rising between the Student Union Building and Watson Hall; the north side of Hill Residence Hall is undergoing a remodel; and Moyer Residence Hall is receiving an interior facelift.
Amidst the activity, numerous conferences, competitions and sporting clinics have come to campus. They include the American School Counselors Association; the Prodigals, Christian counselors and clergy who work with people dealing with addictions; the Pacific Northwest Ballet; the United Way Loaned Executive conference; and SPU's own Nursing Camp, a hands-on experience for high school students considering the profession.
In late June, nearly 500 high school students, parents and leaders arrived on campus for the National Free Methodist (FM)Bible Quiz Finals. Teams from FM churches and youth groups across the country matched wits, memories and speed in Bible "quizzing." This was the first year SPU has hosted the nationals since 1989. The 2002 competition focused on the books of I and II Corinthians. In each round, a moderator posed a question and the first contestant to spring up — setting off a buzzer on his or her chair — answered by quoting the appropriate scripture.
The Office of Admissions made sure the teens didn't forget that Seattle Pacific might be a part of their future. Admissions counselors coordinated a game night, concert and talent show. "It was a pleasure for us to host them and let them see what SPU is like," says Robin Hilt, assistant director of admissions.
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From the President
The Board of Trustees adopted a new SPU mission statement in May 2002. "I believe passionately in what we are trying to articulate here," says President Philip Eaton.
Baseball: Genesis to Numbers
Professor of History Bill Woodward is on a lecture tour throughout small-town Washington for "Inquiring Mind," a popular project of the Washington Commission for the Humanities.
Tiffany Bricks Project
Alumni, friends and members of the SPU community are invited to purchase and inscribe a brick from the former Tiffany Hall. Funds will directly benefit student scholarships.
Varsity Pair Rows to Gold
The Falcon women's varsity pair crew shell rowed to its first national championship gold medal in the Dad Vail Regatta.
My Response
Nick Glancy, Class of 2002, writes about September 11, the Gospel of John and J.R.R. Tolkien in this new Response department.
[My Response]