Joyce Quiring Erickson
English, Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences
WHILE DOUBLE MAJORING in history and English at North Central College
in Naperville, Illinois, Joyce Quiring Erickson was already married and a mom.
Years earlier, she had left Seattle Pacific after her freshman year to marry
and put her husband, Richard, through school. When he finished, they decided
the time was right for her to complete her degree. She planned a career as a
school teacher, but then a professor asked
her if she’d ever considered graduate school. “I said no,” she recalls, laughing. “And
the rest
is history.”
Erickson eventually earned a Ph.D. from the University of Washington
and returned to
Seattle Pacific — this time as an English professor. First hired in 1969, she
sat in her interview
radiating “competence” and “elegance,” remembers Fan Gates, emerita English professor. “When
SPU hired Joyce, they hired someone
with the energy of three people,” she adds.
In 1983, however, Erickson’s SPU career went into hiatus when her husband, a
Veterans Administration psychologist, transferred to Portland, Oregon. After
commuting for four years (even taking an apartment in Greenwood), she bid a reluctant
good-bye to
Seattle Pacific — until 1992. When she returned, her creativity and administrative
flair went into overdrive. Again, Erickson introduced scores of students to
Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and other Victorian literature greats, but her impact
on students went beyond the classroom. In addition to being a mentor, an advisor
and a professor, she served as dean of the School of Humanities; interim chief
academic officer; dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; and primary architect
of SPU’s innovative general education program, the Common Curriculum. She did
all this while excelling in the fine art of hospitality, often hosting students,
fellow faculty members and visiting poets. Her
many accomplishments didn’t escape notice from the administration. In 1999, she
the President’s Award for Excellence.
After 25 years at Seattle Pacific, Erickson
and her husband are looking forward to midfaculty week camping trips, “because
we can,” she says. They will also visit Greece in the fall, then head to Daystar
University in Nairobi, Kenya,
where he’ll teach psychology and she’ll work in
the library. “After that, I don’t know,” she says. “I want some kind of intellectual
project, but I
don’t know what it is yet.”
Q: What’s one of your favorite things a student ever
said to you?
Erickson: I was at a concert about a year ago, and a woman behind
me said she had
been a student of mine in the ’70s. She said, “You taught me composition, and
I got a C.
It was one of the best things that ever happened
to me.”
Q: If you hadn’t become a professor, what would you have been?
Erickson: I must say, I always thought it would be fun to be a waitress. I like to entertain,
and I like to serve people.
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From the President
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My Response
After 25 years, Joyce Quiring Erickson, retiring professor of English and
dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, reflects on glossy brown
chestnuts, home and the Promised Land.