Dialogue, Films and Celebration
Mark African-American History Month at SPU
AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN, Joe Snell was raised in the South and
moved to Seattle two years ago. Upon arrival, he remembers being
curious about why so many African-Americans, especially in the 1940s,
had moved West, where they had marginal historical roots or cultural
identity. He learned that available jobs were only one piece of the
picture. Many went West to escape the harsh Jim Crow segregation
laws that in very real ways were like a second enslavement.
Snell’s ongoing curiosity about the history of African-Americans
now informs his work as Seattle Pacific University’s assistant
director of student programs for intercultural affairs. During African-American
History Month in February, he invited to campus historian and Pulitzer
Prize nominee Quintard Taylor Jr. from the University of Washington.
Taylor’s topic was “In Search of the Racial Frontier:
The African-American Quest for Freedom in the West.”
SPU students, faculty and staff found other educational experiences
during the month as well. Up to 50 students gathered for a four-part,
comprehensive look at race relations in America between the Civil
War and the Civil Rights Movement. They watched and discussed a PBS
video presentation titled “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” documenting
the brutally oppressive era. “The series fleshed out students’ understanding
of the African-American experience resisting oppression through education,
political action, business development and other means,” says
The movie “Mississippi Burning,” a searing tale of the
murder of civil rights workers in the 1960s, was also screened on
campus. A panel of faculty and staff followed the film with a discussion
of the racial divide in America.
The month concluded with a celebration of African food and culture
sponsored by the MOSAIC intercultural club under the direction of
student organizer Kwabena Badu-Antwi. A drum and dance ensemble from
Ghana performed traditional West African music, and guests dined
on authentic African cuisine. Only six weeks after African-American
History Month, SPU welcomed Brenda Salter McNeil, president and founder
of Overflow Ministries, as the 2003 Staley Lecturer. McNeil spoke
in April on issues of racial and ethnic reconciliation.
The hope,
says Snell, was that out of the spring’s events would come two things:
a sense of cross-cultural community and a greater appreciation for
different cultures and ethnic histories.
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