Young at Heart
Denny Rydberg's varied career prepared him well for the presidency of Young
Life International. "It's a sin
to bore a kid with the gospel," says the 2000 Alumnus of the Year.
Filling the Void
The vast majority of teens in Washington state have never set
foot in a church. Many SPU students and alumni work through Young Life to
introduce kids to Christ. Also, see the special page of
Young Life
volunteers from SPU.
For the Love of Students
In December, SPU received the largest gift in its history: $3.925 million
in trust. Adeline Mills
and her late husband chose to fund student scholarships out of gratitude
to God.
Hot Dining Tip!
Since the stylish new Gwinn Commons opened its doors this fall, more
students, faculty, staff, alumni -- and
Queen Anne neighbors -- are dining on campus than ever before.
Going Deeper
Best-selling author Dallas Willard challenges Christians to a deep
and thoughtful faith. Response
interviews Willard, the first guest speaker at SPU in the new
Undergrads in the Research Laboratory?
Formerly the province of graduate students, the research lab is now
home for undergraduates as well.
All B.S. students at SPU must complete an in-depth research project
to graduate.