EDU 6141: Classroom Management and The Psychology of Learners II (2024-2025)

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Explores research-based concepts of development such as physiology, cognition, and language to understand how and why students learn and behave. Examines the science of learning and the impact of factors such as attention, prior knowledge, interest, memory, motivation, sleep, stress, and abuse. Explores classroom management concepts and skills such as building a respectful learning community, showing empathy, communicating high expectations, establishing routines and procedures, and handling non-instructional activities. Focuses on prevention of issues through planning and building rapport in culturally sustaining ways. Includes study of intervention strategies when prevention is insufficient. Typically offered: Autumn.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Autumn 863 2 Kirsten Koetje
5:00PM-7:35 PM
5:00PM-7:35 PM
5:00PM-7:35 PM
14 of 25 seats open
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Restrictions: Graduate only. Accel MA Teaching Online, Accel Master Tch Math Sci Onln, Alt Routes to Certification-SE, MA Teaching Online only. Graduate Teacher Education cohort(s) only.
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Online
Note: Full Term