Article I. We the members of the Nordic Club at Seattle Pacific University are a group of students dedicated to the promotion and celebration of the culture of the Scandinavian countries at this University.
Article II. The purpose of this organization is to promote awareness of Scandinavian culture for Seattle Pacific University students through participation in activities inside and outside the campus community.
Article III. Membership in the Nordic Club is open to any enrolled student at the Seattle Pacific University, graduate or undergraduate, who is interested in Scandinavian culture. Past students, faculty, visiting Scandinavians, or others interested may be granted honorary membership, but without voting rights. Dues may be collected based on assessment of yearly need as decided by the membership. Voting privileges are extended only to members currently enrolled at Seattle Pacific University, and a majority of the members of the Nordic Club must consist of regularly enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at Seattle Pacific University. The club may be advised by a faculty or staff member who has an interest in this area.
Article IV. The offices of the Nordic Club may be held by a president, a vice-president, a social director, a treasurer, and a public relations director, all of whom must be registered as Seattle Pacific University students. There must be a minimum of two officers to meet the requirements of the Seattle Pacific University ASSP Constitution. The president is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the club's affairs, its financial accounts, its status, scheduling and conducting regular meetings, as well as delegating responsibility to each of the other officers named above. The vice-president is responsible for assisting the president in the above named functions. The social director is responsible for planning social functions outside of regular meeting times. These functions should promote Nordic cultural awareness. The treasurer must establish and maintain a club bank account, keep accurate records of club funds, and give receipts to any source of these funds (including dues). The public relations director should actively promote the club's meetings and activities through email, the club homepage, the Falcon, To the Point, bulletin boards, and the local Student Activities Office. Offices are filled by election or appointment each Spring Quarter and may be served by the same person for more than one year. Offices that are filled by election must have received a majority vote.
Article V. The Nordic Club holds quarterly meetings (or more as needed) as well as events and activities on campus, in private homes, or in the community. Notice of events and meetings is made by email, through the club homepage, the Falcon, To the Point, the faculty, at prior meetings, on bulletin boards, or in the local community.
Article VI. This Constitution may be amended by a vote of a two-thirds majority membership at any regular or special meeting.