Exercise Science Services

Senior students majoring in Exercise Science at SPU offer our campus community a wide range of exercise- and physical fitness-related services. If you are a student, member of the faculty or staff, or a dependent of a faculty or staff member; you are eligible to receive these services.

To receive these free services all that you need to do is call the Physical Education Office, x2081 and state your desires. One of our senior students will call you back to set up an appointment to deliver the service. We are anxious to serve you, but students have limited time and there are occasionally more requests for service than their time can accommodate in a timely manner. Please be patient, but contact Bob Weathers at x2082 or weathers@spu.edu if you have waited more than two weeks for a call back.

Available services range from a full fitness evaluation, exercise prescrition, and personal training for an extended period of time to a simple assessment of a single fitness component or instruction on how to use a specific piece of exercise equipment.

Before requesting an appointment for anything requiring physical exertion on your part, you should read the Consent Form we use in the Exercise Science Lab. If you desire an evaluation of your aerobic fitness, you should also read Aerobic Fitness Assessment. Likewise, Preparation for % Body Fat Screening should be read before requesting related services.