Brand Identity and Style Guide
Seattle Pacific University
Since everything Seattle Pacific University does contributes to the perceptions of SPU in the mind of the public, branding is a collective enterprise.
The Office of University Communications is charged with helping to build, strengthen, and steward SPU’s brand through print and electronic publishing, advertising, media relations, and face-to-face communication. This involves the delivery of clear, consistent, and strategic messages to targeted external and internal audiences; ensuring the coherence and integrity of the institution’s visual image; and acting as “gatekeeper” for all strategic SPU communications.
Foundational principles
Vision work
To accomplish its faith-based vision for preparing students to serve and lead in a world that needs their talents, SPU will ensure that all of its messages convey that mission in words and in visuals.
Continuity and consistency
Branding SPU successfully requires continuity and consistency of message and visual identity across the University’s communication. Each message will be clearly identifiable as originating from SPU and will convey the brand.
SPU’s branding effort will be flexible enough in message and design to target specific audiences and market specific programs effectively.
Since audiences equate the quality of SPU’s communication with the quality of its vision, messages will be excellent in every way.
Interdepartmental collaboration
All SPU communications will be coordinated and leveraged to achieve the maximum impact. This means that no SPU unit can opt out of the University’s brand.
What is a brand?
The Seattle Pacific University brand is a promise of value and difference. Our brand is more than a description of what we’re like or what we aspire to. It establishes a position: that we’re different from other universities.
Based on extensive research conducted with University stakeholders, the position of SPU embodies the following characteristics:
- Anticipate and shape the future
- See the world with compassion
- Experience academic rigor
- Explore — or go deeper in — Christian faith
- Study in a the heart of a global community
The brand essence is the heart and soul of our brand. It is a shorthand expression of the constant, fundamental quality Seattle Pacific University offers to every audience, worldwide.
Faith for the future.
From our global, future-facing location, Seattle Pacific equips resilient leaders. Compelled by Christian faith, the University prepares students to serve a world that needs their talents.
Our brand positioning statement isn’t intended for direct communication to external audiences. Instead, it serves as an organizing principle for how we think about ourselves, as well as how we build relationships with our audiences. This position should be evident at every point of contact with our brand.
The brand position articulates our promise of value and originality. It is supported visually through our name and logo, and it shapes people’s expectations of the experience they will have with our institution.
Brand values are the pillars of our position and reflect the essential character and quality of a Seattle Pacific University experience. These brand values serve as organizing principles to guide strategic decisions in everything we do.
- Discovery
- Engaged
- Forward
- Holistic
- Purposeful
Organizations have personalities just as people do. The way we uniquely express our character — through the tone and manner or look and feel of a Seattle Pacific University experience — is evidence of our brand values.
In choosing words, images, themes or formats for SPU, the experiential cues of SPU should always be evident.
- Brave
- Candid
- Curious
- Intentional
- Social
Visual identity
What we do to help students succeed may change, but our visual identity should be consistent and easy to identify. From our logo to our typography, imagery, and more, the elements of our identity help us stand out from the competition and stand up for the experience Seattle Pacific University offers.
Our logotype is one of the most important elements of SPU’s brand. It’s often the first — and sometimes the only — brand element that users will encounter. The SPU mark is an easily recognized, iconic form.
The logo can never be modified, regardless of whether it appears on the screen of a small mobile device or on a massive trade show display. And the brand logotype should never be used without, or with any modification to, the SPU Flame.
To remain prominent and distinctive, the logotype and icon need space to breathe. No other graphic elements, copy, photography, or background patterns that may divert attention should intrude into the clear space behind the logo.

Full version
The full Seattle Pacific University mark should be used when establishing primary institutional identity or when the context of the university isn’t clear. This includes off-campus advertising.
Full version on light background
Full version on dark background
Abridged version
The abridged “Seattle Pacific” mark may be used when the context of the university is clear. These uses include on-campus banners and campus athletic wear. When in doubt, use the full version of the logo.
Abridged version on light background
Abridged version on dark background
SPU Flame logomark
Our flame — a monogram for SPU — may be selectively, carefully used on its own to reflect the identity of the institution. The SPU Flame should never be modified in form or in its ratio and relationship to the logotype when they appear together.
Clear space
The clear space for the combination mark should be the full height and width of the SPU Flame in our logotype.
Clear space don’ts
Maintaining clear space includes only using the logo marks on top of a solid color.
Minimum size
In order to ensure legibility and visual prominence in print and digital applications, the full and abridged logos should never appear smaller than 1 inch wide and the SPU Flame should never appear smaller than .25 inches wide.

Full version

Abridged version

SPU Flame only
Logo don’ts
Don’t change the proportions of the wordmark and SPU Flame.
Don’t move the SPU Flame from above the TT.
Don’t tilt the logo.
Don’t distort the logo.
Don’t reverse the colors of the approved color variations.
Don’t alter the colors.
Don’t place logo on colored backgrounds other than approved colors.
Don’t use the logo within a sentence.
Don’t add any effects i.e. mirror, shadow, emboss, etc.
Don’t use the wordmark without the SPU Flame.
Don’t place the logo over a photo or pattern (other than brand wallpaper).
Color is a powerful means of visual expression. It is a crucial way to differentiate ourselves in the marketplace. By using our colors correctly, we create a visual tone that signals our brand personality.
It is particularly important to pay attention to use of color in Seattle Pacific University branded materials. The maroon color is unique to SPU, but many other university brands use colors in the red band of the spectrum.
The brand palette
Our primary brand color is a rich Legacy Maroon. We use it as a logo color and to establish an overall color identity for our brand.
Color matching
Great care should be taken to get our colors exactly right — do not use colors that are merely similar. Use the PANTONE® Matching System (PMS) color when printing with spot colors. Use RGB or Hex values for digital applications. Use CMYK or PMS values when creating content for print. They may not look right onscreen, but they will print correctly. Always use the CMYK and RGB values specified in this guideline and not the equivalent values provided by PANTONE®.
Color proportions
Legacy Maroon should be the dominant color used in branded applications. Secondary colors should be used to support and complement. As often as possible, seek to narrow the color palette to establish Seattle Pacific University identity through consistency, not variety.

Warm Black
PMS Black 5
RGB 62.43.46
HEX 3E2B2E -
Legacy Maroon 1*
PMS 7421
RGB 90.43.47
HEX 651D32 -
Falcon Red
PMS 1797 U
RGB 186.32.46
HEX BA202E -
Historic Gold
PMS 7501 U
RGB 222.203.165
PMS 396 U
RGB 219.226.0
Seattle Gray
PMS Cool Gray 1U
RGB 218.217.214
*Codes are for a flood of Legacy Maroon only. For logo specific color codes, please see the Color Variants section.
Color variants
The choice of complementary or contrasting reds is informed by the use of background colors.
- On white backgrounds, use the “Seattle Pacific” logomark with the Legacy Maroon 2 SPU Flame.
- When using Legacy Maroon as a substantial field color, use the logomark with the Falcon Red SPU Flame to add contrast.
- Make sure there is enough contrast between the SPU Flame and background, or redesign as required.
Legacy Maroon 2
RGB 135.41.55
HEX 872937
Type is the visible expression of our brand voice. Our typographic style reflects our brand personality.
SangBleu Empire
Display type
Our dominant typeface is SangBleu Empire. This hybrid typeface doesn’t follow the conventional patterns of serif, sans, and slab. Instead, each character offers a distinctive voice. SangBleu incorporates the best from the past and transforms it into an effective, contemporary tool. Use it for headlines.
- Only to be used as a main heading.
- Not to be used as body copy or as a replacement for Trade Gothic, as readability is poor at font sizes smaller than typical headings.
- Don’t use all lowercase.
- Don’t use drop shadows on text.
h1, SangBleu Empire Bold
h1, SangBleu Empire
h2, SangBleu Empire Bold
h2, SangBleu Empire
Trade Gothic
Body type
Trade Gothic is a workhorse. A sans serif with a slight airiness, it is highly legible, and works well with more assertive fonts. It is ideal for a wide variety of uses, from body copy to captions.
Note that bold text in body copy should be Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2. Standard bold is a more condensed font used only for limited applications.
Trade Gothic LT Pro is available as a webfont and should be used online when possible.
h3, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2
h3, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman
h3, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2 Italic
h3, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman Italic
h4, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2
h4, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman
h4, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2 Italic
h4, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman Italic
p, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2
p, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman
p, Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold No. 2 Italic
p, Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman Italic
Arial is our secondary typeface. Use it when Trade Gothic isn’t available, particularly in electronic media that will be viewed and edited on a screen.
Why Arial? It’s a standardized font, common to both Windows and Mac, and is pre-installed on virtually every current computer. Any message that is viewed, printed, edited, or appended by the recipient should use Arial.
Trade Gothic is primarily for marketing materials, printed presentations, and proposals — all cases where we can directly control the output or viewing experience.
Arial Bold
Arial Regular
Arial Italic
Trade Gothic Condensed
Other type uses
Trade Gothic LT Pro Condensed No. 18 is used for limited applications including institutional signage (see Institutional section for details).
Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold is used for limited applications including college and school logos (see Architecture section for details).
Trade Gothic LT Pro Condensed No. 18
Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold
Sentence case should be used in headlines to communicate a sociable, candid, modern tone.
Type sizes
Type sizes can vary depending on the medium. Generally, body copy in printed pieces should be 9 to 11 point type. The goal is to create a coherent and consistent hierarchy between headlines and body copy.
Sample hierarchy
Curabitur gravida.
Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Curabitur gravida.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.
Imagery should reinforce the unique characteristics of our community, location, and promise.
A successful Seattle Pacific University image is:
- Candid: Photos should be journalistic, not posed. Seek natural groupings of diverse students who already know one another.
- Iconic: Use settings and subjects that remind viewers of the distinct features and unique character of our city of neighborhoods.
- Natural: Show the genuine beauty of people who are not artificially lit or excessively treated.
- Outside: Within an urban context, showcase trees, water, bike trails, bridges, and people enjoying the seasons, including sunshine, rain, and grey skies.
- Metropolitan: Seattle is our campus. Reflect that energy. Show the contrasts.
- Edgy: Explore the gritty edges while keeping in view the larger redemptive SPU experience.
- Diverse: Mix it up. Celebrate the honest beauty of our differences. Show the public exchange of contemporary and diverse music, food, and art.
- Fit and Fulfilled: Feature the range of interests from the bookish to the outdoorsy and athletic.
Photography don’ts
Our photography must go beyond what students would expect to find on an ordinary college campus.
Make sure the imagery you use sends the right message in the right tone. Avoid images that are:
- Clichéd: Students reading a stack of library books; chemistry lab test tubes and burners, etc. Elevate from high school. Emphasize what makes us different.
- Posed: Coordinated jumping, perfectly posed, etc.
- Retail branded: Show style, not fashion. Avoid overly groomed, logo-laden students.
- Fake: Avoid forced recruitment of students by ethnicity and gender for photo shoots or in single compositions.
Don’t: posed
Don’t: posed
Don’t: clichéd
Don’t: clichéd
Don’t: clichéd
Don’t: retail branded
Form language
We have adopted a limited set of graphic forms to bring signature character to the Seattle Pacific University identity. Using repeated colors and shapes, we create pattern recognition, aiding brand familiarity.
Patterns may be used frequently, but must be handled carefully. While they are important elements of our brand, it is not necessary to use them in every application.
These elements should never be used in combination for a single graphical application.
Use a color-contrasting line to add drama and refinement to full pages, banners, posters, etc. Don’t use the frame on areas less than the full format/media available. As a graphical element, the SPU Flame may be used to anchor the frame. Never use the frame in small area or with information-dense design.
The border highlight uses a gradient treatment, fading from Falcon Red in the top left corner to Legacy Maroon in the bottom right corner.

With logo
When including the SPU Flame logo, always align the edges of the border with the lines, as seen below.
On photography
When using the frame on photography, try to weave the frame into the context of the scene to highlight the concept of Seattle as classroom.
Corner highlight
The corner highlight, used with two or three stripes, can be used with or without the frame as a distinguishing shape, mask, or border.
Top left corner highlight
Bottom right corner highlight
With highlight border
When the full logo is in a layout, consider using the corner highlight as an alternate to using the logo in the corner of a border.
The addition/subtraction angle can be used in any corner. It should be used on solid backgrounds, cut out of photographs, or die cut for inserts in a brochure.
Corner highlight with highlight border
Corner highlight addition/subtraction
The wallpaper is repeating line art that borrows from the geometry of the SPU Flame. It is a subtle, far-secondary graphic element that can be used tone-on-tone, adding texture to a field of color. It should appear as a background, not a feature of the design. Explore scales for the wallpaper so that it is neither too small (creating a busy visual clutter), nor so oversized that the line weights distract from the information being communicated.

Design with dark pattern background
Warm Black with Falcon Red at 30 percent opacity
Legacy Maroon with Falcon Red at 30 percent opacity
Historic Gold with White at 35 percent opacity
Numerical callouts
Peristyle Stencil is used for numerical callouts only in limited applications. It is a combination of two fonts. If used in two colors, they should be limited to our brand color palette.

What’s in a name? In our system the words “Seattle Pacific” are the dominant source of identity and meaning for all facets of the institution. Everything we offer cascades from that brand identity, with descriptors that are simple, clear, hierarchical, and helpful.
Colleges and schools
Affiliating division names through a consistent color and logotype establishes clear identity and specialization for each. At the same time, affiliating with the Seattle Pacific University parent brand, and to each other, offers collective marketing benefits. No unit of Seattle Pacific, whether a school, research center, or auxiliary unit, can develop an individual logo from those presented here.

SPU parent brandmark
Font: Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold
Letterspacing: 175
Color: Warm Black
Alignment: “U” is centered under “TT” in Seattle and “Y” is centered under “C” in Pacific

SPU college and school brandmark
Font: Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold
Letterspacing: 60
Color: Warm Black
Alignment: Left aligned to parent brand “U” in “University”
Seattle Pacific University consists of five schools and a college, and each has an official logo. The primary logo displays both the University mark and the school or college component in all capital Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold, using a horizontal treatment.
All of the rules regarding the main University logo also apply to these logos. For example, the school logos should never be manipulated or distorted.
The creation of additional identities related to Seattle Pacific is subject to prior review and approval by University Communications.
Clear space and minimum size
All rules surrounding clear space apply to the college and school brand marks as well.
Because these brand marks vary in width and height, use the minimum size rules for the SPU Flame at .25 inches.

Institutional usage
Non-curricular, commercial, public-facing
Trade Gothic LT Pro Condensed No. 18 should be used to identify Seattle Pacific University’s non-curricular, commercial, and public-facing entities such as Conference Services. To properly associate the brand, Trade Gothic LT Pro Condensed No. 18 type should never be lined up next to the logo. However, the full SPU logo should also be present and visible.
Trade Gothic LT Pro Condensed No. 18

When messaging, it is important that we expand understanding of Seattle Pacfic University from its most common associations — Christian, degree programs, small, community, private, etc. — to assert SPU as a relevant, dynamic force in shaping lives and the future.
Key themes
The Seattle Pacific University brand requires the constant reinforcement of key themes. Combined, these themes represent the promise of value and uniqueness that people can expect from SPU.
These include:
- Academic rigor
SPU is uncompromising in its commitment to academic challenge and rigor, as exemplified by the “Best National University” ranking by U.S. News & World Report. - The Seattle advantage
Seattle is our campus. SPU exposes students to challenges and opportunities, helping them anticipate and shape the future in a thriving, world-class city. - Christian faith
At SPU we invite students to explore or go deeper in Christian faith. We want students to understand and serve the world through this lens.
Academic rigor
- With undergraduate- and graduate-level programs that integrate internships and research, Seattle Pacific University fosters critical inquiry. We prepare students to be lifelong learners.
- SPU’s national ranking by U.S. News & World Report recognizes the University’s focus on original undergraduate research.
- Seattle Pacific is committed to academic excellence, helping students build their intellectual capability and resilience. Dedicated faculty invest in the lives of students with personal mentoring, research opportunities, and individual instruction.
- Seattle Pacific is a university community committed to encouraging whole-person growth in each student — attending to their cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.
- At SPU, students contribute to one another’s learning experiences. Small class sizes and an academic culture that fosters discussion and debate around critical issues.
- SPU offers an abundant, active learning and social environment, with a celebrated culture in residence life, competitive intramural sports, and club programs to engage and inspire each student.
- SPU is tailored to the needs of the student, so that no one gets lost. Unlike larger, state institutions, SPU is organized around and responsive to the individual.
- With varsity NCAA sports for both men and women, SPU engages the University community in traditions, a legacy of athletic championships, and an active, healthy social sphere.
- With a national reputation in many disciplines, a strong graduate school, and distinguished alumni in key roles at leading organizations, SPU’s institutional brand is distinct and valuable, delivering strong student outcomes.
The Seattle advantage
- From Seattle, a global economic hub, the future unfolds with opportunity and challenge.
- Seattle Pacific University offers the Seattle advantage, with exposure to the employers, industries, and institutions that are fundamentally changing the way we work, play, entertain, communicate, socialize, move, shop, and care for one another. From Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Boeing to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision, the city is where today’s SPU students learn to influence the future.
- Seattle is a forum for students to engage in Christian lives of service. Our region’s economic opportunities also create social and economic disparities that SPU students will need to address for the urbanizing world.
- Situated between the foothills of the Cascades and the saltwater shores of the Pacific, Seattle’s temperate climate is ideal for outdoor discovery and adventure outside of the city.
- Seattle is our campus. SPU’s many internships and professional mentorships supplement the classroom, helping build experiences, relationships, and résumés that are relevant and workforce-ready.
- On Seattle’s Queen Anne Hill, along the scenic Fremont Canal and the Burke-Gilman Trail, SPU’s campus is both casual and energized, an ideal setting for your university experience.
- SPU students have ready access to an extensive alumni network and mentorship programs that nurture connections to their future careers.
- SPU students are challenged to see the world from a broader perspective, surrounded by formative experiences that only a strategically placed urban campus has to offer.
Christian faith
- Seattle Pacific University is distinctly Christian. We practice a generous faith that welcomes people from all backgrounds but cultivates deep, thriving relationships with Christ.
- SPU nurtures discussion and intellectual rigor so that students learn to confront their doubts and ask important questions in a community of love, wisdom, and patience.
- SPU challenges students to live out a posture that is relevant and engaged but grounded in historic faith.
- Guided by SPU’s Wesleyan heritage, our approach to faith pairs the importance of beliefs and understanding with practices that encourage lives of spiritual growth and service to others.
- While SPU welcomes students from all (or no) faith backgrounds, we encourage every student to explore or grow deeper in Christian faith.
- At SPU, we embrace an inclusive Christian faith, recognizing that diverse perspectives strengthen and deepen our understanding of Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the tradition of the Christian Church.
- Motivated by the gospel message of Christ’s reconciliation of all things, SPU is committed to justice and mercy through global and cultural engagement, reconciliation, and working for the common good.
- SPU encourages students to engage with an increasingly pluralistic world as Christian leaders whose confident faith informs their love for others.
- SPU is a community that encourages faith through active and ongoing study of the Bible, tradition, and the world alongside a commitment to live out Christ’s teachings.
A messaging matrix is a resource for prioritizing and articulating key messages in support of Seattle Pacific University’s brand position and values.
It is not a “copy and paste” resource suitable for every communication need. It is an efficient tool for communicators, to help organize thinking and ensure that the value and distinctives of Seattle Pacific are evident all the time, no matter the audience or context of communication.
Banners are topline messages that apply broadly to all audiences. They support key themes for Seattle Pacific University.
- Poised on the Pacific Rim, in metropolitan Seattle, Seattle Pacific University exposes students to the challenges and opportunities of the next 50 years, helping them anticipate and shape the future.
- As a Christian university, SPU encourages students to engage with and be changed by faith. Our community sees service, study, and work as intentional outcomes of that faith.
- Seattle is an extension of our campus, affording SPU students a holistic, diverse, multidisciplinary learning environment. From here students gain the perspectives and proficiencies required to navigate the challenges — and realize the opportunities — of a fast, complex, modern world.
- SPU is committed to value and quality in education and is rated a “Best National University” by U.S. News & World Report.
- Seattle Pacific prepares individuals to serve others, applying faith through their careers, family, and community.
- SPU cultivates each student’s understanding of the diversity of Christian traditions.
- Celebrating more than 125 years as a place of learning, SPU maintains an intrepid spirit. Our character reflects our history. We are a place for enterprising minds to cultivate a sense of discovery and embrace great challenges.
- With undergraduate- and graduate-level programs that integrate internships and research, SPU fosters critical inquiry, preparing students to be lifelong learners.
- Seattle Pacific is committed to academic rigor and a sense of personal challenge, helping students build their intellectual capability and resilience.
- Seattle Pacific is a university community that engages the whole person, exercising students’ cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical well- being, so that they are fully prepared to thrive.
‘Pillars’ are mid-tier messages that apply more specifically to the individual audience segments that Seattle Pacific would like to persuade.
Prospective students
- Seattle Pacific University challenges you to live as an educated and engaged Christian inspired by faith, and to address the challenges and realize the opportunities of a world that is increasingly urban, technological, globalized, and interdependent.
- SPU offers the Seattle advantage, with exposure to the employers, industries, and institutions that are fundamentally changing the way we work, play, entertain, communicate, socialize, move, shop, and care for one another. From Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Boeing to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision, we offer a dynamic urban hub where you can in uence the next 50 years.
- SPU helps you go beyond knowing the material necessary for a degree; we help you cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, what you believe, how you are wired, and what inspires you to launch into the world as a change-maker.
- Seattle will be your classroom. SPU’s many internships, study programs, and professional mentorships supplement the classroom, helping you build experiences, relationships, and résumés that are relevant and workforce-ready.
- You will join an engaged community of learners who study, work, and live in a community intentionally designed so that they contribute to, and draw from, the experience of other students and faculty.
- A holistic learning environment, SPU is committed to the diversity of experiences, cultures, and communities that enrich and challenge each student, broadening your perspective on the world.
- SPU is a Christian community that values a thoughtful faith, encourages questions, and nurtures discussion, so that you can explore or grow deeper in your own informed, resilient faith.
- A right-sized campus with a manageable scale, SPU is tailored to the needs of the person, so that you won’t feel lost. Unlike larger, state institutions, SPU is organized around and responsive to the interests of the individual student.
- Skirting metro Seattle’s Queen Anne Hill, along the scenic Fremont Canal and the Burke-Gilman Trail, SPU’s campus is both tranquil and energized, an ideal urban setting for your university experience.
- SPU offers an abundant, active learning and social environment, with a celebrated culture in residence life, competitive intramural sports, and club programs to engage and inspire you.
- SPU is home to the Falcons, and students show their pride by cheering on or joining a distinguished varsity athletics program whose legacy includes five NCAA National Championships in soccer.
- SPU allows qualified students to declare and access their preferred degree path immediately, without the uncertainty of later acceptance to a business, nursing, or engineering program.
Prospective graduate students
- Seattle Pacific University is the only private university in the Pacific Northwest to make the 2018 U.S. News & World Report “Best National Universities” list.
- Seattle Pacific joins the University of Washington and Washington State University as the only three institutions from Washington state named to the magazine’s list.
- Seattle Pacific’s national ranking is a result of growth in our graduate and doctoral programs in business, education, psychology, nursing, and theology.
- SPU offers a range of master’s and doctoral programs, and we are committed to producing groundbreaking research. Commitment to research has made SPU eligible for our national ranking by U.S. News & World Report.
- SPU is a tailored higher-educational experience where individual graduate students are the center of our faculty’s attention.
- SPU graduate students enjoy the Seattle advantage, with ready access to an extensive alumni network, preceptorships, and mentorship programs that nurture connections and equip you to be relevant, known by future employers, and workforce-ready.
- A small team of engaged learners, SPU students study, work, and conduct research in a community intentionally designed so that you contribute to, and draw from, the experience of other students and faculty.
- SPU graduates are principals, psychologists, business leaders, nursing professionals, published authors, and other experts at the top of their elds, bringing thoughtful leadership, talent, and effectiveness to a complex world.
- SPU faculty in graduate programs are nationally known for their scholarly contributions and leadership to their fields.
- SPU graduate students see the world from a broader perspective, through the lens of purpose and meaning. Integrating faith, ethics, environment, race, culture, identity, and justice into studies, you acquire more than book knowledge, with the essential resources to manage a complex world. This depth of cultural literacy, perspective, and understanding equips you for success and effectiveness.
- A mid-sized campus with a manageable scale, SPU is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Unlike larger, state institutions, SPU is organized around, and responsive to, your interests.
- SPU encourages you to challenge the world and to make a difference in your profession through an ethics-based curriculum that you can apply to the workplace and your long-term career.
- We con dently embrace the diversity of people, faiths, cultures, and ideas, offering a respectful place and productive environment for you to engage with, and be challenged by, our differences.
- The ability to complete selected degree programs online, in a traditional classroom, or in a hybrid environment offers you convenience and innovation. We bring Seattle to you.
Current students (undergraduate & graduate)
- At Seattle Pacific University, each of us contributes to one another’s learning experience, with small class sizes and an academic culture that fosters discussion and debate around critical issues.
- SPU students embrace learning beyond the classroom. They are vitally involved through residence life, faith encounters, campus activities, athletics, and community programs to make the most of our total university experience.
- SPU students enjoy the Seattle advantage, with ready access to an extensive alumni network and mentorship program that offers nurturing connections to their career future.
- SPU is a community of active, living Christian faith. Motivated by that faith, students confront real human needs here in Seattle and beyond to create a world that is more peaceful, prosperous, equitable, and just.
- SPU students see the world from a broader perspective, not a bigger institution. Integrating faith, environment, race, culture, and justice into their studies, SPU students acquire more than book knowledge, gaining essential resources to navigate a complex world.
- SPU encourages students to challenge the world as Christian leaders, offering hope and meaning within diverse communities, faiths, cultures, and ideas. We offer a respectful and productive environment to engage and challenge students.
Parents & guardians
- Seattle Pacific University holds close the legacy of its Christian roots. SPU is still committed to its founding mission of helping students realize God’s work through educated lives of service to others.
- We invite students to explore or go deeper in Christian faith, forged by experience in one of America’s most dynamic, future-facing cities.
- SPU is committed to on-time graduation, enabling families to manage the cost of education and accelerate student involvement in their chosen careers.
- With varsity NCAA sports for both men and women, SPU engages the university community in traditions, a legacy of athletic championships, and an active, healthy social sphere.
- With a national reputation in many disciplines, a strong graduate school, and distinguished alumni in key roles at leading organizations, SPU is a brand of distinction, delivering strong outcomes and preparing students for lives of meaning and service.
- We respect that each student is an individual, and that happy, healthy, prosperous young people grow from the life experiences they’re afforded. SPU is a tailored higher-education experience in which individual students are the center of our attention.
Alumni and donors
- Seattle Pacific University proudly sustains the legacy of its Christian roots. We educate and support students to represent the virtue and character of Christ’s teachings, as they engage an increasingly complex world.
- SPU honors campus traditions, while giving students the opportunity to shape their community further. From Tradition to Ivy Cutting, SPU alumni will feel engaged and renewed when they visit their campus home.
- SPU has an unwavering commitment to our Wesleyan roots while still honoring many faith traditions. We embrace this diversity while gathering around a shared commitment to our Christian faith.
- A mid-sized campus, SPU helps foster meaningful connections among students, lasting into their alumni years.
- While honoring the past, SPU is compelled by the future, actively preparing students for what’s next.
- An SPU education represents more than the achievement of a degree. It is a testament to our strong alumni network, made stronger by a shared mission to improve the lives of others through our careers, families, and community.
- Seattle Pacific is a unique, essential learning resource for alumni after graduation. SPU engages alumni to be part of our flourishing community, in which they continue to connect, learn, and nourish their faith.
- SPU is an investment that pays a lifelong dividend, supporting a vibrant alumni network around the world, as well as a robust mentor program and career center to continually propel graduates’ success.
- SPU is committed to elevated academic rigor, an experience that challenges each person at an individual level and elevates the esteem of an SPU degree.
- SPU is shaping the future, with alumni doing important work in their community, corporate, and institutional arenas.
- Alumni of SPU are part of an active giving community, investing in future Falcons with the generosity of their time, money, and experience.
Faculty & staff
- Seattle Pacific University faculty and staff uniquely equip students for their futures, using Seattle to guide engagement with technology, trade, urbanization, and more.
- A private institution, SPU attracts students and families that value educators and prioritize a quality education.
- Valuing both discovery and instruction, SPU encourages faculty to find their own balance between research and teaching.
- SPU’s reasonable class sizes put faculty closer to students, making it easier to build rewarding relationships through personal mentoring and individual instruction.
- SPU respects and pursues diversity, recognizing that our community grows stronger academically, socially, and theologically as it welcomes and gives voice to a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.
- SPU is forward-looking, committed to smart, strategic growth that enhances the standing and reputation of our distinguished faculty.
- At SPU, we seek to honor difference and create space for the voices of all in our community, celebrating the ways diverse perspectives show us new facets of God’s character and help us better understand our world.
- SPU’s ethos reflects our institution’s history and Pacific Northwest culture, rewarding creativity, innovation, and risk-taking in learning.
- SPU is an academic community that engages both faith and learning, helping students become stronger in their intellect and in their relationships with Christ.
- SPU enables Christian faculty and staff to project their faith, multiplying God’s love and compassion through students equipped for meaningful lives of service.
Corporate partners
- One of the region’s leading higher-education institutions, Seattle Pacific University contributes highly skilled and capable graduates, distinguished by their ethical character and desire to serve.
- SPU students are part of a diverse and serious Christian faith community. They have a service mindset, contributing to the prosperity and well-being of the region.
- Because of our multidisciplinary, integrated approach to learning, SPU students are agile, ready learners, able to navigate change.
- Our urban campus makes Seattle our classroom. SPU students graduate equipped and prepared for the workforce with a broad, contemporary perspective.
- SPU cultivates each student’s sense of purpose and meaning in their work and life, fostering a high level of commitment and degree of contribution.
- SPU compels students to develop critical thinking skills, and to be fearless in the face of tough issues, fostering the essential skills of capable community leaders.
- Like their alma mater, SPU graduates are distinguished for their leadership in areas critical to the success of our region and beyond.
- SPU students are prepared to be globally focused reconcilers, ready to live embedded in the community and committed to those on the margins.
Be a brand champion.
To distinguish ourselves in a crowded market, we must first deliver an exceptional user experience.
Our engagement strategy begins with an institution-wide commitment to foster the best possible learning environment, delivered consistently at every touchpoint with students, families, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners around the globe.
Meanwhile, the competitive nature of higher education marketing requires that we also take advantage of every opportunity to create and highlight our institution’s real distinctives.
That is why we are committed to growing, managing, and protecting the highest quality design standards as a strategic resource.
If you have any questions about these standards or their application, contact University Communications: