PHY 3312: Experimental Methods II (2024-2025)
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In this course students will build on knowledge and skills developed in Research Methods I in order to gain greater ownership of the strategies required for autonomous experimental research. Students will participate collaboratively in the process of forming their own research questions and constructing a plan for investigating these questions. Students will use computers for collecting, analyzing and modeling experimental data. Fee(s): Engineering Materials Fee
Winter |
20231 |
3 |
John Lindberg
Lab: M,W,F
2:30PM-3:20 PM
Otto Miller Hall 246
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Fees: Engineering Materials Fee: $70 (refundable)
Attributes: Writing "W" Course, Upper-Division, WK Applied Science
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal with N, Audit, Pass/No Credit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term
Prerequisites: PHY 3311: C- or better