PSY 3360: Psychological Disorders (2024-2025)

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Examines the history, causes, and symptoms of abnormal behavior with reference to modern methods of assessment and treatment. Emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding psychological disorders.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20854 5 D'Anthony Smith
Final: Tu
9:00AM-10:20 AM
8:00AM-10:00 AM
Marston Watson Hall 5
Marston Watson Hall 5
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Restrictions: Applied Human Biology, Criminal Justice, Criminology, Music Therapy, Psychology Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term

PSY 1180: C- or better