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Response Spring 2007

From the President



Books, Film, & Music



My Response

Letters to the Editor

From the Editor

Response onScreen



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Seattle Pacific University
Spring 2007 | Volume 30, Number 1 | Footnotes


“Footnotes” are news briefs about people who have attended Seattle Pacific University (or Cascade College). They are intended to help friends keep in touch with each other’s lives and activities.


Response welcomes your letters, email, or phone calls with items of interest for our readers. Photos are also invited and will be printed as space allows.


If you don’t see your footnote in this issue, don’t give up! We print the items we receive in the very first available issue. To submit an item, send email to or a letter to:

Seattle Pacific University
3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 116
Seattle, Washington 98119-1922

To phone in your news, call 206-281-2051.




In Memoriam

Department Highlights

from the president
Embracing the Christian Story
SPU President Philip Eaton asks what would happen if the Bible were at the center of the learning enterprise.

Destination: Asia
SPU President Philip Eaton joined a historic delegation of U.S. university presidents that visited Asia.

Coffee as Change Agent?
Pura Vida employees, including several SPU alumni, engage the culture using a social-venture business model.

books, film, & music
Dark Alphabet
Jennifer Maier, poet and SPU associate professor of English, receives a literary award for her first book.

National Tournament Returns
For the first time in 10 years, SPU hosts the USA Gymnastics Women's Collegiate Championship.

my response
Undone by the Word
Response writer Kathy Henning shares her journey to know the Bible better.

Response art
Pink Emperors
Class of 1973 alumna Jill Ingram introduces Response readers to “Pink Emperors.”