What’s in a Name? Opportunities to Leave a Lasting Legacy at SPU
Robert Dixon ’50 is a respected science educator who has enjoyed
a full and sometimes colorful life. Example: A self-taught photographer,
Dixon joined the Navy at age 21 and became the ship’s official
photographer, thanks to the recommendation of a fellow sailor.
That sailor was Jack Webb, who went on to become the gravelly voiced
Sergeant Joe Friday on the original “Dragnet” television series.
his life experiences, Dixon cultivated the art of giving to people
and organizations that shared his values. Because of a significant
gift that he made to Seattle Pacific from the sale of his home,
the names of Dixon and his wife will soon grace a conference room
in the University’s award-winning new Science Building. The Robert
T. and Marian E. Dixon Conference Room honors two of the greatest
influences in Bob Dixon’s life: the woman he met his first day
on campus and who later became his wife, and the college that gave
them both “some of the best years of our lives.”
Marian died three
years ago after more than 50 years of marriage. “I miss her terribly,” says
Dixon, “but she’ll be remembered with this gift. A name above the
door tells a story; it’s a way of memorializing our experience
here. I consider it a privilege to give a gift of permanence like
A variety of naming opportunities — including campus gardens,
classrooms and lecture halls — exist for others who want to honor
a loved one or cherished professor, or to demonstrate support for
SPU by placing their own names on a facility. A named scholarship
endowment can be established for $10,000. Naming physical items
or locations typically requires a gift of $100,000 or more.
of Dixon’s personal abilities is to make the physical sciences,
especially astronomy, comprehensible to non-science majors. He
has never forgotten the example of SPU Professor Burton Beegle, “who
taught me as much about teaching as mathematics. He was so clear,
a wonderful Christian whose life exuded faith.”
Proof of Dixon’s
own teaching clarity may be found in his six astronomy textbooks
and three other texts. Physical Science: A Dynamic Approach is
a college-level textbook used at Seattle Pacific, where as an adjunct
professor he team-taught “An Introduction to the Nature of Science.” He
also taught for 25 years at California’s Riverside Community College,
where the Robert T. Dixon Planetarium continues to draw students
interested in the sciences.
“I want to help my grandchildren come
to SPU one day,” says Dixon. “The Science Building is one of the
places on campus preparing people to have a world-changing influence
on the lives of others. If that isn’t important work, I don’t
know what is.”
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From the President
As Seattle Pacific University gains notice nationwide, President Philip Eaton
challenges the community. “Build your city on a hill so everyone can see
what you are doing,” he writes. “Build a reputation.”
Honor Roles
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My Response
Debra Prinzing, 1981 SPU alumna, helps readers find God in their gardens. “… I
think the pursuit of beauty in the garden is a pursuit to know God better,” she