Finding God in the Garden
By Debra Prinzing ’81
do we see, hear, feel and inhale God’s presence? Nature is an
obvious place — mountains, oceans and vast plains stretching
out as far as the eye can see — but for many of us, the grand
expanse of nature isn’t always accessible. And perhaps that’s
why we turn to nature on a small scale: Our backyards and our
gardens offer telling glimpses of God.
At the recent Seattle
Pacific University Queen Anne and Magnolia Garden Tour, I spoke
about “finding” God in the garden. I’ll admit that I feel a bit
inadequate talking or writing about this subject, since it’s
so difficult to fully experience God’s unlimited creativity,
enormous goodwill and loving generosity in the midst of our fast-paced
lives. But mere glimpses of his greatness are, I’ve decided,
OK. There’s as much breathtaking joy in a split-second view of
spring’s first rosebud about to open as there is in sitting on
a remote mountaintop gazing at all of God’s creation.
In fact,
the most surprising sense of awe I’ve experienced happens when
I’m tending to my garden. I’ve been treated to many undeserved
gifts: seeing a tiny hummingbird, darting from blossom to blossom,
sipping at its God-provided nectar source; noticing a perennial
bursting into flower, a plant I don’t recall ever having planted;
or viewing a breathtaking display of the ‘Red Forest’ pansy tree’s
plum-colored leaves glowing as the afternoon sun sets behind
If someone asks why I love to garden, I quote 20th-century
English writer Beverley Nichols. He wrote, “... Surely, if you
are privileged to own a plot of earth, it is your duty, both
to God and man, to make it beautiful.”
I try not to say that I
have to “work” in the garden, however. While there are many necessary
and ongoing tasks that garden-makers must undertake in order
to care for their plants, to me, these are anything but work.
Anyone who has a patch of earth to call his or her own should
appreciate this cherished opportunity to observe creation over
and over: planting a seed; providing it water, sun and fertilizer;
protecting its first young leaves from pests and disease; giving
it support and shelter from harsh elements as it matures; and
harvesting its blooms or fruit. Then the cycle starts all over
again. It’s a terrific lesson in God’s faithfulness to us, as
he provides for our needs.
The Message, a contemporary translation
of the Bible by SPU alumnus Eugene Peterson ’54, reminds us in
Matthew that “If God gives such attention to the appearance of
wildflowers — most of which are never even seen — don’t you think
he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you …?”
we are aware of it or not, I think the pursuit of beauty in the
garden is a pursuit to know God better. The very act of gardening
gives us hope. It gives us a metaphor for understanding God’s
abundance and life-giving restoration. And the act of expressing
beauty with each petal, stem and leaf of God’s creation is, for
me, an expression of my faith and hope in him.
If you’re not a
gardener, you can find your own symbol for God’s truths. It may
be taking a hike or sailing a boat, or listening to a heart-breaking
symphony. But we need to embrace God’s love and slow down to
rest in his presence. Even if that means pausing to see God’s
greatness in the face of a tiny flower.
Having spent all of my
childhood listening to my father’s sermons and my mother’s Sunday
school lessons, I’ve learned a bit about giving benedictions — the
promise of hope at the end of a church service. I included a
gardener’s benediction, of sorts, in my new book, Pacific Northwest
Garden Survival Guide. I didn’t realize it was a benediction
until I saw it in print. Perhaps it will send you off to see
the garden in a new way:
“I wish you a wonderful journey that
will introduce you to many generous and supportive gardening
friends … May your gardens be free of slugs; may your soil be
rich and organic; and may you enjoy equal parts rain and sunshine.”
Prinzing ’81 writes about interior design for The Seattle
Times and gardening topics for national publications. She
is the author of Pacific Northwest Garden Survival Guide (Fulcrum
Books, 2004). She also co-chairs the SPU Queen Anne and Magnolia
Garden Tour Committee. For more information on the topic of
finding God in the garden, she recommends the following two
books: Soul Gardening: Cultivating the Good Life by
Terry Hershey and Gardening Mercies: Finding God in Your
Garden by Laurie Ostby Kehler.
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