Downtown Font | Inspired by architectural and urban design in Seattle area, Downtown is a modern font with dye-cut feel on the letter's legs.
Federal Spending Infographic | My goal is to create a simple understanding of what is federal spending, why it is important for everyone, and how students can have a say in this matter.
Festival de Cannes | Imagining oneself fully immersed in a film, either as a filmmaker, actor/actress, or audience, it almost as seems they are in another world. It is when their fantasies turn to life.
Outerspace Wonder | I am so much in awe of the discovered and yet the undiscovered, the world
and space outside of our bounds. I want to build my rocket ship, or maybe a time machine, and travel to
the unknown. Material: Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor paper.
TED Trailer | The fact that we live on planet Earth is somehow a planned coincidence, full of exciting facts and events yet to be discovered. Compared to the universe, we are so small and young. And through our brief existence, we are full of knowledge. Through this journey, we are pursuing the undiscovered.
The Soundboard | The Soundboard's logo is renewed to match the modern and newer generation. The font itself is handwritten with an edgy and youthful appearance. The illustrated speech bubble also supports that idea, as well as the idea of free speech and discussion on music and arts in the Northwest area.
SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY | 3rd West Cremona Seattle, WA 98119 | 206-281-2079