Campus News & Events
SPU Welcomes Madeleine Albright
America’s first woman Secretary of State and the keynote speaker for SPU’s Downtown Business Breakfast will give a special lecture on campus Thursday, April 3.
Alumna Doris Brougham Returns to Campus
Alumna Doris Brougham ’53, one the leading English language teachers in Asia and co-founder of an international gospel radio and television network, returns to campus on Thursday, April 3, 11:10-12 p.m. at First Free Methodist Church for a special event with the Heavenly Melody Choir.
Community Bible Study: The Book of Revelation
Perplexed by the Book of Revelation and how it speaks to everyday life? Then join a Community Bible Study on Wednesday nights starting April 2. The study will be taught by Rob Wall, the Paul T. Walls professor of scripture and Wesleyan studies. Each week's class will consist of lecture, contemplative reflection, and inter-generational small groups focused on application of the text. For more information and to sign up, visit the website.
Mobile Mammograms April 3
This is a reminder for those of you who have booked your convenient and free preventive appointments for Thursday, April 3. The vehicle is expected to be onsite all day outside the Student Union Building on 3rd Avenue. Thank you for showing Swedish that it’s worth their time to come to SPU!
Local Athletic Events
Saturday, April 5
Rowing ― Raptor Cup: SPU vs. Seattle U, Ship Canal, 8 a.m.
Track & Field ― Seattle Pacific at JD Shotwell Invitational, University of Puget Sound, 10 a.m.
For all the latest in Falcons sports, visit the Falcons website.
Hire a SPRINTer for Your Spring Cleaning Project
This summer, the John Perkins Center's SPRINT program will send eight student teams to learn and serve alongside local leaders around the globe. Hire a SPRINT student or a team to help around your house with spring cleaning, yard work, or other chores to help them raise money for their trip. The rate is $10 per student per hour. For more information, contact student Daniel Lee at leed13@spu.edu or visit the website.
Faculty/Staff Bulletin Deadline
The Faculty/Staff Bulletin is published every Monday during the academic year. Deadlines for submissions are Thursdays. If you have information or event news, send it as soon as possible to Bulletin editor Tracy Norlen at fsb-editor@spu.edu. Submissions may be edited for clarity. The next Bulletin will be published Monday, April 7. The next deadline is Thursday, April 3.
Faculty & Staff News
O’Connell Named President
SPU Athletic Director Erin O’Connell is the first female president of the USRowing Board of Directors, the governing body for the sport of rowing in the United States. The USRowing Board of Directors elected three female officers at its March 22 meeting in Tampa, Florida. Erin joined the board in December of 2010, serving as an at-large representative before taking over as women’s vice chair in 2013.
New Book by Segall
Performing Democracy in Iraq and South Africa: Gender, Media, and Resistance is a new book by Professor of English Kimberly Segall. The book, published by Syracuse University Press, considers how individuals use stories to protest injustice, voice democratic desires, and define emergent democratic tensions.
In these two disparate regions, she records the voice of a female blogger from Baghdad who charts rising sectarianism, and a female Cape Muslim from South Africa who describes identity shifts after 9-11. As reconciliation demands understanding conflict and everyday life, this book also describes Kimberly’s experience living in Iraq and South Africa, where she has worked with former political prisoners and guerrilla fighters, assisting groups in narrating their experience.
Performing Democracy re-frames how we view women’s roles in Arab Spring and democratic development. Deborah Kapchan calls it an “eloquent and compelling book that writes the forgotten stories of women and artists into the history of violence and consequent change that has become known as the Arab Spring. Illuminating media’s erasures, Segall offers a provocative paradigm—one that evokes alternative voices.”
Schlee’s Article Published
Regina Schlee, professor of marketing, was lead author on a recently published article in Taylor & Francis Online. The article “Teaching Creativity to Business Students: How Well Are We Doing?" can be found online.
SOE Faculty Receive Grant
School of Education faculty members Dan Bishop, Andrew Lumpe, and Robin Henrikson received a $210,000 grant from the Washington state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to conduct an evaluation of a three-year project focused on public schools in Washington. The initiative is funded by a $2.4 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation called “Transforming Professional Learning Systems for Reform: Common Core Standards.” Funding will be used to conduct research on the impact of the statewide project on school district reform efforts, teacher practices, and student learning.
SPU in the News
Beers on NPR
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Scott Beers was interviewed for a story on National Public Radio about the decline of teaching cursive writing in schools. The story aired nationally and in Seattle. Listen or read it online.