2014–15 Undergraduate Catalog
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BS in Nursing
RN to BSN in Nursing


Marston Hall

For additional information about the School of Health Sciences, visit the Health Sciences overview in this Undergraduate Catalog.

Educational standards and policies governing students admitted to the Nursing programs and regulations covering a student’s progression through the Nursing program are outlined in the Seattle Pacific University Nursing Student Handbook. This handbook is updated as needed throughout the program.

Admission to the Major
High school preparation for nursing includes a minimum of two years laboratory science, one of which should be chemistry.

For students admitted to and currently enrolled at Seattle Pacific University, preparation for entry into the Nursing major begins the first quarter of the freshman year. Upon completion of the first quarter of the freshman year, students interested in applying to the Nursing major can request a nursing faculty advisor through the Banner Information System.

Applications for current SPU students must be received in the School of Health Sciences Lydia Green Nursing Program no later than January 15 of their sophomore year.

The application and recommendation forms are available by mid-October for program entry the following autumn. In order to be considered for entry into the Nursing major, a student must submit a nursing application, recommendation form, and official copies of all college transcripts of courses not taken at SPU, along with course descriptions to the School of Health Sciences no later than January 15.

Transfer and post-baccalaureate students with intent to apply to SPU and to the Nursing major must complete the following items, and the forms must be received no later than January 15:

Transfer students must complete 90 transferrable credits by June of the application year. Preference is given to students with a completed Direct Transfer Agreement associates degree (DTA).  The SPU application is completed online; all other application materials must be mailed together and received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions no later than January 15. Students are encouraged to apply early.

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will forward the completed application materials to the School of Health Sciences Lydia Green Nursing Program for final review.

For questions regarding the admissions process or to arrange for a visit to Seattle Pacific University, contact the Office of Admissions at 206-281-2021 or 800-366-3344 (toll free).

Transfer students should refer to the online equivalency guide to see if courses will transfer to the equivalent SPU prerequisite course. The primary focus of the equivalency guide is the Puget Sound region. Therefore, if courses are not listed in the equivalency guide, it does not necessarily mean they are not equivalent. The transcript evaluation process begins in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and is finalized in Student Academic Services.

Completeness of the application packet is the responsibility of the applicant. All materials must be submitted together in one envelope and received by January 15. Nursing applications are reviewed by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee (ASAC) of the School of Health Sciences.

Only completed applications will be reviewed. Select applicants will be notified if they are invited to attend a mandatory interview on campus. Applicants will be notified by mail regarding committee action. Further information about orientation to the Nursing Program will follow full acceptance into the program. After applying to the Nursing Program, applicants who complete coursework at institutions other than SPU should send official transcripts to both the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the School of Health Sciences Undergraduate Program:

Undergraduate Admissions

Seattle Pacific University

3307 Third Ave. W., Suite 115

Seattle, WA 98119

School of Health Sciences Undergraduate Program

Seattle Pacific University

3307 Third Ave. W., Suite 106

Seattle, WA 98119


To be considered complete, applications for the Nursing Program must include:

  • Application to the School of Health Science and prerequisite calculator.
  • Professional Recommendation Form (sealed).
  • Official transcripts (sealed) for prerequisite course work other than at SPU.
  • Course descriptions for each prerequisite course taken (other than at SPU).

Reserve Saturday, February 21, 2015, for a potential interview on campus with the Review Committee.

Additionally, transfer, and post-baccalaureate students must submit an SPU application and recommendations. All application materials must be received by January 15.

Acceptance is contingent on completion of the prerequisite courses* by the end of Spring Quarter of the year the student is planning to begin nursing courses (for example, if planning to start nursing course work in Autumn Quarter 2014, all prerequisites must be completed by the end of Spring Quarter 2014).

The preferred overall GPA in these courses is 3.0 or above (2.75 minimum) with no course less than a “C” grade (anything less than 2.0 is not acceptable). Attainment of the preferred GPA standards does not guarantee admission to the major, as the total number of admissions may be limited by capacity. A student must complete the major requirements in effect when the student is admitted to the major. Four prerequisite courses must be completed by the application due date; all prerequisite courses must be completed by Spring Quarter of the application year.

Transfer students with no SPU credits must have a minimum of 3.5 GPA in the combined prerequisites, with no course less than a "C" grade, to be eligible for consideration. 

Mid-program transfer students are those students who have completed nursing course work at another school and who seek admission into SPU's Nursing program at anytime other than the Autumn Quarter of the junior year. 

Students should complete the mid-program transfer application available by contacting the School of Health Sciences. ASAC will review course descriptions of all completed nursing courses and determine appropriate placement in the nursing program. All offers of admission are contingent on admission to the University and available space in the program.


*Prerequisite courses are: SPU Equivalent
Anatomy (5 credits)

BIO 2129
Human Anatomy and Physiology (5 credits)

Physiology (5 credits) BIO 2130
Human Anatomy and Physiology (5 credits)
Microbiology (5 credits) BIO 3351 General Microbiology (5 credits)
Inorganic/General Chemistry (5 credits)

CHM 1211 General Chemistry (5 credits)


CHM 1310 (5 credits)

Organic Biological Chemistry (5 credits)

CHM 1330
Organic and Biological Chemistry (5 credits)


CHM 1360 Survey of Biochemistry (5 credits)

All science courses listed above must include a lab
General Psychology (5 credits) PSY 1180 General Psychology (5 credits)
Life Span Psychology (5 credits)

PSY 2470 Life Span Developmental Psychology

(5 credits)

Human Nutrition (5 credits)

FCS 3340 Human Nutrition (5 credits) Preferred


a lower division Human Nutrition course (5 credits)

Basic Statistics (5 credits)

MAT 2360 or 1300 Intro to Stats for Sciences (5 credits)


EDU 2600 Statistics Unleashed! (5 credits)

PSY 2360 Intro to Social and Behavioral Stats (5 credits)  Psychology Majors or Transfer equiv.


SOC 2360 Intro to Stats Soc & Behav Sci (5 credits) Sociology Majors or Transfer equiv.




Need to know when a course is being offered? Check the 2014-15 Time Schedule.

Scholarships and Loans
Students in the Nursing major who need financial assistance should apply to Student Financial Services. In addition to general aid and work-study programs, nursing students may want to apply to government-sponsored programs such as the VALOR program through the Veteran’s Administration, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), or the armed services through ROTC.

Students are also encouraged to apply to local medical societies, nursing organizations such as the Washington State Nurses Foundation, or community organizations such as Rotary. Local hospitals may have tuition reimbursement programs, which often include a commitment to work at the institution after graduation.

Scholarship information is also available on the School of Health Sciences Scholarships web page. The School of Health Sciences has a number of endowed scholarships given every year through the generosity of foundations, alumni, and individuals. Interested student should complete the FAFSA form available online and through Student Financial Services.

Expenses for All Basic Nursing Students
See Costs and Financial Aid Under General Information.


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