FPA Publicity and News Release Form

This form

is due five weeks before the event in order to produce publicity material and distribute press releases.

Personal mailing lists

must be received three weeks before event.

If you are using McKinley Hall,

you must complete a green event form three weeks before

Program Copy

is due to Bobbie two weeks before event.


If you miss these deadlines your event may not
receive complete promotion support.

Name of Event
Faculty Contact
Campus Address
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
List of participants (Please note guest artists we should highlight)
Admission Cost
Where Tickets are Being Sold
Special Features (Please note themes)
Repertoire (Please note any pieces/composers we should highlight)

Would you like to see a copy of the press
release in advance? (Event information must be submitted five weeks in advance to receive a draft press release)

  • Yes
  • No