Dr. Delia Nuesch-Olver
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Office Hour(s) Sign-Up Form

Please note: Appointments are scheduled for 15 minutes each.



Time Slot:
    Date:     Slot:


If your name is not on the list: Go to the Create Name page to add it.

If you are unable to meet with me at these times: Send me an e-mail (denuol@spu.edu) with two or three options of when you are available. I will respond to you as soon as possible.

Dates that are unavailable:
    February 18 - President's Day, University Holiday
    March 18,25 - Spring Break
    May 27 - Memorial Day, University Holiday
    June 3 - Faculty Development Day

© 2002 Delia Nüesch-Olver
Internet Explorer 5.x and Netscape 6/Mozilla and up are supported