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Campus Resources for Learning

Seattle Pacific University students enjoy aesthetically pleasing physical learning spaces. Spread over the 45-acre Seattle campus, the buildings, recognized by their traditional brick or modern faces, are also known for the many ways in which they meet students� educational needs.

The Library. Completed in 1994, the Library is a spacious four-level facility that serves as the center for academic endeavors outside the classroom. It provides collections, services, technology and space for study and research, with approximately 150,000 volumes arranged on open shelves for easy access to readers. The collection grows by some 6,000 new titles each year, including more than 1,400 current periodical titles and an ever-expanding microfiche collection numbering more than 400,000 items. The collection is accessible online in the Library and through the campus computer network via its automated catalog. In addition, fundamental library processes of circulation, reserves, acquisitions, cataloging and serials control are also facilitated through the same integrated automation system. Microfilm and microfiche reader-printers, low-cost duplicating facilities and audiovisual listening and viewing stations are available as well.

In addition to standard printed reference sources, the Library makes available an increasing number of electronic information resources, including abstracts/indexes from ProQuest Direct, EBSCOHost, First Search and other online and CD-ROM products. In order to provide the utmost in convenience, access to more than 1,500 full-text journal titles is available from every computer on campus. Most of these resources are also available to off-campus students who have Internet access. An interlibrary borrowing service is available to students, faculty and staff. As a member of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), the Learning Resources Center can provide access to library holdings throughout the Northwest, across the nation and beyond.In addition, students have library borrowing privileges at Seattle University, Northwest College, Pacific Lutheran University, St. Martin�s College and the University of Puget Sound through a cooperative agreement.

Learning Technology. SPU has received wide acclaim for its sophisticated campus computer network and its expanding high-tech learning environment. Among its most notable features are:

Wired Living spaces. Each residence hall room boasts one Internet port per person, voice mail and cable TV.
Networked Campus. The SPU network links students, faculty and staff to each other - as well as to the library, campus computer labs, central data bases, and Internet. With a personal computer, you can turn in assignments by e-mail, check the availability of a book in library, register for classes, look up your transcript, or share research with a student across the ocean.
E-Mail Communications. Electronic mail is the primary means of campus-wide communications. From class assignments and announcements about campus events, to a quick message home to mom or dad - e-mail keeps you connected.
Computer Labs. Seattle Pacific has high quality computer labs across campus. Some of the labs are specialized for specific academic programs while other labs are general purpose and open to all students.
High-Tech Classrooms. Nearly all of the University's classrooms are equipped with built-in Internet access and other state-of-the-art learning equipment.
Online Learning. In 1999-2000, SPU instituted its first degree program offered entirely via the Internet: the master's degree in education. Other courses, both undergraduate and graduate, are "hybrid" courses, blending in-class lectures with online components for maximum learning.
Jobnet. Looking for a work-study job on campus? Need an internship in your field of study? Interested in an alumni mentor? SPU's new online service - - has specialized career connections for students and alumni. To take advantage of SPU's "wired" campus, students are encouraged to come to campus with Internet-ready personal computers. With such a PC, you'll be able to make the most of the University's extensive technological resources for learning.

The Center for Learning. Located in Lower Moyer, the Center for Learning offers four computers for student use, a Writing Center that provides assistance with writing class papers, services and support for students with disabilities, tutoring for many General Education courses, and academic consultation and referrals. Learning seminars and classes are offered every quarter.

"Success in College" Course. If you'd like to intentionally develop effective study skills and time management strategies for your university career, you may want to enroll in this two-credit course.
Common Curriculum Support. Academic support is available for you when taking Common Curriculum courses. Whether you want help with study techniques, note-taking, reading assignments or writing projects, the Center for Learning is the place to go.
The Writing Center. At the Writing Center, you can meet with a peer tutor who will evaluate your term papers and give you individualized assistance with your writing skills.
Spelling Lab. Students must pass a spelling exam in order to enter the School of Education. Turn to the Spelling Lab if you want help preparing for this test or if you just want to improve your spelling.
Tutoring. If you need assistance locating a tutor in any subject area, the Center for Learning will help you find the right person.
Study Groups. If you desire, The Center for Learning will connect you with a group of students who live in your residence hall so that you can study together.
ACCESS Program. Students who are academically under-prepared at the time of admission may be required to enroll in this program. ACCESS students receive specialized academic advising, priority course registration and mid-quarter evaluations in each course, and are enrolled in the "Success in College" course (see above).

For more information about the Center for Learning, call (206) 281-2272 or contact Sara Wetzel at

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