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Welcome From President Philip W. Eaton 2007
I have long felt that as parents and family members, you are critically important to the success of what we are trying to do here. This is indeed a partnership — we want you to be engaged with us in appropriate ways so that we might together maximize the growth and development of your daughter or son. We are in this together with you! We are on the same team, and we know you feel that responsibility as well as we do.
There are so many exciting things on the plate as we begin another year at Seattle Pacific. We will be focusing, for example, on becoming even more intentional about how our education is global. We are announcing a new day for our chapel program, how it is we gather meaningfully in Christian community. We will be announcing through the year our planning for new facilities and new fundraising efforts to sharpen even further the excellence of what we have to offer.
I know all of this is a big deal for you. You have placed an enormous amount of trust in us, and I pledge to you that we take that trust very seriously. You are trusting us to do a good job, to do the right things, to help shape a life in directions that are meaningful. What an amazing privilege we have — to come alongside you and to participate in the blossoming and flourishing of this young life you have entrusted to us.
Our mission here, as a strong, premier Christian university, is to graduate people of competence and character who will engage the culture and change the world. Our goal is to sharpen the gifts and talents and skills of our students, to help them see how they can invest those gifts in something meaningful, to encourage them in the end to develop a strong sense of God’s calling on their lives, so that they may then leave this place to go out and change the world.
Thank you for partnering with us in this wonderful venture. Should you have questions or comments for me in the weeks and months to come, please contact me at
Philip W. Eaton
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