
The tuition per course listed below is based on the per quarter credit hour rate for courses taken between August 2021 through March 2022 ($595). The tuition rate is currently frozen at this level through August 2023. For purposes of registration, please closely follow your tracking sheet, which may alter the sequence of courses listed below.

 Year One    ENG 6210  Workshop I  3 credits  $1,785
     ENG 6100  Art & Faith  3 credits  $1,785
     ENG 6410  Tutorial I  6 credits  $3,570
     ENG 6420  Tutorial II  6 credits  $3,570
     ENG 6220  Workshop II  3 credits  $1,785
     ENG 6310  Craft I  3 credits  $1,785
     ENG 6430
 Tutorial III
 6 credits
    2 Residencies Food & Lodging      $1,450
   Total - Year One 
 Year Two
   ENG 6230
 Workshop III
 3 credits   $1,785
     ENG 6320
 Craft II
 3 credits
     ENG 6440
 Tutorial IV
 6 credits
     ENG 6450
 Tutorial V
 6 credits
     ENG 6240
 Workshop IV
 3 credits
     ENG 6330
 Craft III
 3 credits
     ENG 6460
 Final MS Tutorial
 6 credits
     ENG 6250
 Workshop V
 3 credits
     ENG 6500
 MS & Reading
 1 credit
    3 Residencies Food & Lodging      $2,175
   Total - Year Two
 Total Costs         $41,705

Financial Aid

For information about financial aid, visit SPU Student Financial Services, particularly Graduate Student Resources.

Contact Student Financial Services at 206-281-2061 or email

For information about student loan eligibility, visit the SFS loan page.

International graduate students are not eligible for federal financial aid; however, they are eligible for merit-based scholarships.