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2015-2016 Graduate Catalog






2015–16 Graduate Tuition and Fees
Certification and Other Fees
Student Services/Placement File Fees
Medical Insurance Fees
Financial Arrangements and Services
Payment Policies
Refunds and Account Adjustments

Seattle Pacific University is committed to providing high-quality Christian education at a reasonable price. Financial assistance — including scholarships, grants, student employment, and loans — is available to qualified students on a limited basis.

All expenditures related to educational and support activities are carefully planned and budgeted. SPU Trustees, president and administrators are committed to a high level of stewardship in the handling of Seattle Pacific's financial resources, with a goal of maintaining financial stability for current and future students.

All programs and policies at the University are under continual review. Therefore, SPU reserves the right to change its financial aid awards, policies or charges at any time without previous notice. After the beginning of a quarter, however, no change will be made that is effective within that quarter.

Student Financial Services provides service to students regarding tuition and fees, payments on accounts, financial aid, student employment, and other financial assistance. While every effort has been made to provide helpful and understandable explanations of the University’s fees and financial policies, you still may have questions, and SFS staff is prepared to assist.

Your tuition and fees at Seattle Pacific University cover direct instructional costs, as well as a wide range of student and academic support services such as guidance services and social activities. Other benefits include admission to university athletic events. All tuition, fees, and other charges stated in this publication are payable in U.S. dollars.


(Summer 2015–Spring 2016)


College of Arts and Sciences Per credit
Fine Arts, Creative Writing (MFA) $530
TESOL (MA) $572
TESOL (MA) with K–12 Certification $572
School of Business, Government, and Economics  
Business Administration (MBA) $798
Information Systems Management (MS-ISM) $798
Social and Sustainable Management (MA) $665
Management (MA)–Human Resources Track $665
Management (MA)–Faith and Business Track $665
School of Education  
Education, General $619
Alternative Routes to Certification (ARC/MAT) $501/$619
Literacy (MEd) $619
Literacy (MEd) with K–12 Teacher Certification $578/$619
Curriculum and Instruction (off campus*; MEd) (program ends 2015–16) $619
Teacher Leadership (MEd) $619
School Counseling (MEd) $619
School Counseling ESA Certification only $619
Counselor Education (PhD) $785
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) $578/$619
Master in Teaching Math and Science (MTMS) $501/$619
Educational Leadership (MEd) $619
Digital Education Leadership (MEd) $497
Principal Certification $619
Program Administrator Certification $619
Doctoral (EdD) $785
Doctoral (PhD) $785
Executive Leadership with Specialization $619
Executive Leadership with Program Administrator Certification $619
Superintendent Certification $619
School of Health Sciences  
Nursing (MSN) $749
Nurse Educator Certificate $749
Nurse Practitioner, Post-master’s Certification $749
School of Psychology, Family, and Community  
Marriage and Family Therapy (MS) $698
Medical Family Therapy Certificate $698
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (MA) $733
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (PhD) $792
Clinical Psychology (PhD) $747
School of Theology  
Master of Divinity (MDiv) $495
Theology (MA) $495
Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies $495


Note: Above costs applicable to 6000–7000 graduate-level courses.

*Students taking curriculum and instruction and teacher leadership courses through off-campus partnerships should check with their program director to obtain tuition rates.

Continuing education courses in education and fees are published in the Center for Professional Education's Course Finder; business certificate program information is available on the School of Business and Economics Professional Education site. Undergraduate courses and fees are published in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Students enrolled in a combination of undergraduate courses (numbered 0000–4999) and graduate courses (numbered 6000–7999) will be charged according to each category without aggregation of the total credits. In other words, the total credits taken in courses numbered 0000–4999 will be charged according to the undergraduate rate schedule without regard to the number of credits taken in 6000–7999 level courses.

In general, courses will be charged the rate associated with the discipline or school offering the course as listed above instead of being based on the degree program the student is pursuing. Doctoral students who take 6000-level courses within their school/ department are charged at the doctoral rate. If doctoral students take 6000-level courses from other schools/departments they are charged at that program rate.

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Teacher Education (MAT) per quarter

ARC Internship Fee, per quarter (Autumn, Winter) $150
ARC Internship Fee, per quarter (Spring) $200
MTMS Internship Fee, per quarter (Autumn, Winter) $150
MTMS Internship Fee, per quarter (Spring) $200
TESOL Internship Fee, per quarter $125
Group Counseling Course Fee (Winter, Spring) $100
School Counseling Internship Fee, per quarter $100
School Counseling Theory and Practice Fee, per quarter $100
Assessment fee $65
Special Examination Fees
Credit-by-examination or challenge fees:  
Per-course examination fee $100
Per-credit hour fee $60
Administrative and special fees:  
Application fee (master's) $50
Application fee (MSN) $50
Application fee (EdD or PhD) $50
Application fee (PhD-SPFC) $75
Matriculation fee* $100
Change of registration fee** $50
Graduation Fee (MFA program only) $50
Official transcript fee $5
Dissertation fee varies
Thesis binding, per copy varies
Replacement card fee (for lost/stolen/damaged card) $20
Temporary card fee $5
Parking fee, per quarter††


   Ashton, Moyer, Hill, Apartments $140
   Arnett, Emerson $150
   Motorcycle (50% discount) $70/$75
   Commuter $140
   Carpool (2-person, 50% discount) $70
   Carpool (3+ person) free


*Once you have been admitted to the University and register for courses, you are considered a matriculated student. A matriculation fee of $100 is assessed only once, at the time of your initial registration. This fee covers the costs associated with maintaining your academic files over the duration of your stay at Seattle Pacific. Your academic file may contain admission records, transcripts, and evaluations of coursework from other institutions, academic appeals, and graduation check sheet, etc.

**You may register for evening courses (courses beginning at 4:30 p.m. and later) through the first class session. However, a $50 change of registration fee is charged when registration is completed after the first week of the quarter. See the University Calendar for dates.

††There is no charge for parking in commuter lots (C, N, NC, NW) after 4 p.m. weekdays, on weekends, or during Summer Sessions. See the campus map for the location of lots.

Any vehicle maintained, owned, or operated by an SPU student or employee must be registered with the Office of Safety and Security if it is to be parked on SPU's campus, including city streets.  Registration/application forms are available online and in person.  Any changes in parking status must be reported to Safety and Security within 10 days of the change by calling 206-281-2922.  Parking refunds are calculated in accordance with the tuition-refund policy.  Note:  If you completely withdraw from the University, you must inform Safety and Security to be eligible for a refund of your parking fees.

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Change in Student Health Insurance:

The Affordable Care Act has changed SPU’s ability to offer health insurance to our students. Unfortunately, this means there will not be a health insurance plan offered to domestic (American) undergraduates or graduate students for the 2015-2016 Academic year.

In accordance with the national healthcare reform, Washington State has launched the Washington Health Benefit Exchange to assist people in obtaining affordable individual health insurance. These will be individual plans, not plans offered by SPU.

All international students and their dependents, as well as undocumented students, are required to enroll in the University student medical insurance plan year-round (including vacation periods). Exceptions to this policy require documentation of a comparable plan. Waivers may be obtained only at Health Services and must be completed by the fifth day of the quarter. Students who have not received a waiver automatically will be charged the health insurance premium fee.

Expenses for 2015–16 Graduate Student, per year*


 Nine-Month Expense Budget (excludes Clinical Psych)
  Living On/Off Campus Living at Home 
Tuition* $17,784 $17,784
Room and Board $11,781 $3,669
Books and Supplies $1,041 $1,041
Transportation $1,065 $1,065
Miscellaneous/Personal $1,938 $1,665
Average Loan Fee $186 $186
Total $33,795 $25,410
*Average number of credit/quarter is approx. 9 at $659/credit
Clinical Psych Nine-month Expense Budget
  Living On/Off Campus Living at Home 
Tuition* $26,892 $26,892
Room and Board $11,781 $3,669
Books and Supplies $1,041 $1,041
Transportation $1,065 $1,065
Miscellaneous/Personal $1,938 $1,665
Average Loan Fee $186 $186
Total $42,903 $34,518
*Average number of credis per quarter is 12 at $747/credit  
Note: CPY students are eligible for additional Direct loans, and therefore require a unique budget.



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SPU uses the Banner Information System to process registration materials and complete financial arrangements. After a student registers for classes online or in Student Academic Services, the student is obligated to pay for the contracted services in accordance with the University’s current schedule of charges.

The registration contract between SPU and the student remains binding to both parties unless either party terminates the contract pursuant to the applicable catalog procedures (see also Refunds and Account Adjustments).

Student Account System

An electronic notification of a statement reflecting tuition and fee charges, miscellaneous charges, payments, and amounts due will be sent to the student’s SPU email address each month. Student Financial Services will also send a copy of the account statement to an additional recipient (such as the student’s parent) with the student’s authorization. It remains the student’s responsibility, however, to see that proper payment reaches Student Financial Services by the payment due date. If students need assistance determining the proper amount due, they should contact Student Financial Services to talk with a coordinator.

Checks for the correct amount due should be made payable in U.S. dollars ($US) to SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, and should include your name and student identification number. Checks may be delivered in person to Student Financial Services, located in Demaray Hall 10 or be mailed to:

Seattle Pacific University
Student Financial Services
3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 114
Seattle, Washington 98119-1922

In addition to checks, the University accepts automated payments via an e-check (automated payment directly from a checking or savings account) toward student accounts. The University does not directly accept any credit cards for payment of student account balances. Rather, it has arranged for a third-party provider to facilitate this type of payment if desired. Additional fees apply for this service. Students may authorize additional individuals to pay a student account online

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Students have three options to meet their financial obligations:

  • (A) Pay in full by the pay-in-full due dates.

  • (B) The combined installment payment plan.*

  • (C) The three-installment payment plan.*

*Options B and C are not available for summer term.

The student account must be paid in full in order to register for subsequent quarters.

Option A: Pay in Full

Students may meet their financial obligations each quarter by paying in full by October 7 for Autumn Quarter, January 16 for Winter Quarter, and April 13 for Spring Quarter.

If payment in full is not received by these dates, the account will be subject to late charges. Students are automatically placed in Payment Option A, unless they are approved through the application process for option B or C. 

Option B: Combined Installment Plan

The Seattle Pacific University Combined Installment Plan combines Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarter’s Three Installment Plans into one application and agreement. Students who plan to attend Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters may choose the Combined Installment Plan.

The plan will divide the total quarterly costs (after financial aid* is applied to the account) over three payments instead of one for each quarter (Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters).

In order to participate in this plan, the student must complete an application through the Banner Information System. The $80 application fee will be charged to the student's SPU student account with the first installment (a new application and fee must be submitted each academic year). Visit Student Financial Services for more details.



2015–16 Academic Year  
Application and $80 fee September 8, 2015
Autumn Quarter 2015  
First payment October 7, 2015
Second payment November 6, 2015
Third payment December 9, 2015
Winter Quarter 2016  
First payment January 12, 2016
Second payment February 9, 2016
Third payment March 14, 2016
Spring Quarter 2016  
First payment April 13, 2016
Second payment May 18, 2016
Third payment June 14, 2016


Option C: Quarterly Three-Installment Plan

If students choose this Three Installment Plan option, the total charges for a single term after all financial aid* is applied to the account will be divided into three payments. This plan is available for autumn, winter and spring terms only.  The plan will divide the total quarterly costs (after financial aid* is applied to the account) over three payments instead of one for the quarter (only for the quarter of enrollment in the plan).

In order to participate in this plan, the student must complete an application through the Banner Information System. The $40 application fee will be charged to the student's SPU student account with the first installment (a new application and fee must be submitted each academic quarter). Visit Student Financial Services for more details.


Autumn Quarter 2015  
Application and $40 fee September 8, 2015
First payment October 7, 2015
Second payment November 6, 2015
Final payment December 9, 2015
Winter Quarter 2016  
Application and $40 fee December 4, 2015
First payment January 12, 2016
Second payment February 9, 2016
Final payment March 14, 2016
Spring Quarter 2016  
Application and $40 fee March 7, 2016
First payment April 13, 2016
Second payment May 18, 2016
Final payment June 14, 2016


Example of Payment Alternatives
An MBA student registers for 9 credits per quarter. The total balance per quarter is:


Tuition $7,182
Parking Fee $140
Subtotal $7,322
Financial Aid* -$5,063
Balance Owed $2,259


Students and families have three options to meet their University cost obligation:

Option A: Payment in full
$2,259 due October 15, 2015

Option B: Combined Installment Payment Plans
$80 Application Fee and Application due September 8, 2015
$2,259 balance owed for each quarter
$2,259 � 3 = $753 (due monthly in Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.)


Payments Due Date
Autumn Quarter 2015  
First payment Due October 7, 2015
Second payment Due November 6, 2015
Third payment Due December 9, 2015
Winter Quarter 2016  
First payment Due January 12, 2016
Second payment Due February 9, 2016
Third payment Due March 14, 2016
Spring Quarter 2016  
First payment Due April 13, 2016
Second payment Due May 18, 2016
Third payment Due June 14, 2016


Option C:  Three Installment Payment Plan with Autumn Quarter Example

$40 application fee and application due September 8, 2015

$2,259 ÷ 3 = $753 is the monthly payment plan amount and follows the Three Installment Plan schedule for Autumn Quarter.



Due Date

First payment

Due October 7, 2015

Second payment

Due November 6, 2015

Final payment

Due December 9, 2015


*Financial Aid includes SPU scholarships, federal state grants and scholarships, outside scholarships and grants, and student loans. Work study cannot be used in the calculation of payments. Amount of financial aid listed is random

Late Payments

Students who don’t pay their account in full or who fail to make a Combined Installment Plan or Three Installment Plan scheduled payment will have a late fee assessed to their student account. A late fee (15 percent per annum, 1.25 percent per month) will be assessed against any owing balance shown on the student’s last statement of account.

Students with past-due account balances will not be permitted to register for future quarters, obtain an official academic transcript, or receive a diploma. They also may be completely withdrawn from current classes.


Private College 529 Plan and Institutional Gift Aid

Student and families who are Private College 529 holders may redeem tuition plan certificates at Seattle Pacific according to the plan’s stipulations. It is important to note that the total of institutional gift aid (grants and scholarships), plus the redeemed tuition certificate value, will be limited to the total cost of tuition, room, and board charged by SPU.


Employer Reimbursement Program/Third-Party Billing

If your tuition is reimbursed by your employer or a third party (such as an embassy or government agency), you may be eligible for the Employer Reimbursement or Third-Party Billing Program.

Documentation confirming enrollment in an employer reimbursement program is required annually and allows approved student account charges to be deferred up to approximately 30 days after the quarter ends. If a third party is involved, the University will bill the third party directly, provided SFS has received the appropriate documents, such as a purchase order, official authorization, etc. All other account charges will be due when billed.

If you participate in the Boeing Tuition Voucher program, your eligibility is subject to approval by the Boeing Company. Until SFS receives an approved voucher from the Boeing Company for participation in its Third-Party Billing Program, you will receive monthly account statements and be responsible for all charges. Once the process has been completed, the Boeing-approved charges will be paid on your student account. You will continue to receive monthly statements if you incur charges not covered by Boeing. For more information about this program, contact SFS at or 206-281-2061.


Unpaid Student Charges

A student who has delinquent financial obligations, will not be permitted to register or attend classes for subsequent quarters until such obligations have been satisfied. Seattle Pacific University reserves the right to deny enrollment, including advance registration or extension of credit, and/or to have a student completely withdrawn from classes if the student does not meet past-due obligations or fulfill financial commitments to the University. The student will also not be eligible to obtain an official academic transcript or receive their diploma.

A continued failure to meet financial obligations may result in the referral of the delinquent account to an outside agency for collection of the total amount due, plus all applicable collection costs and the addition of a collection fee of at least 30% and up to 40% of the account balance.


Registration Petitions

Registration petitions are requests for exceptions to regular policies and procedures. The petition process provides students and faculty with the possibility of a response outside the normal bounds of policy when extenuating circumstances are judged to warrant such a response. Exceptions are not granted to supersede policies and procedures because of an inconvenience.

Extenuating circumstances include illness, injury, death in the family, and problems with immigration. Registrations holds unresolved by the deadline do not constitute an extenuating circumstance and are not grounds for petition. The petition must not only voice the request, but must also substantiate the validity of the request.

Petition forms are available online and on the forms rack in the Demaray Hall lobby (first floor). Instructions for completing this process are included on the form. A student seeking late registration must seek permission from the instructor to sit in the class while the petition is pending.

In all cases, the final decision to approve or deny a petition will be made by Student Academic Services. SAS reserves the right to deny any petition for any reason. Each approved petition will incur a $50 change of registration fee.  An approved SAS petition may not adjust charges.

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Registration changes, performed within the time period that online registration is open, may be done through Self Service Banner.  A student who decides to add or drop courses outside of the normal registration deadlines, must notify Student Academic Services in writing by completing a Registration Petition. To reference a current listing of registration deadlines, see the Academic Calendar. Registration Petitions need to be accompanied by a student statement and support/permission from a student’s department or a faculty member. Registration Petitions are also subject to a Change of Registration fee of $50.

A student who plans to withdraw from University housing (i.e., cancel the room and meal plan contract) must provide proper notification to University Services.

If a student does not provide proper notification to the University, financial obligations will remain binding, regardless of whether classes were attended or whether or not any of the contracted services were utilized.

Refunds or additional charges for courses are posted to your student account when the official change of registration form is received and processed or the transaction is completed using Banner. Charges for added courses are made at the full quarter’s rate, regardless of when the course is added.

In the event that enrollment changes result in a refund, tuition will be refunded according to the schedule that follows. In most cases, all eligible refunds, including overpayments, will be remitted to the student. If there is an owing balance on the account or a past-due balance on a campus-based loan program, such as the SPU Institutional, Federal Perkins, and Federal Nursing Student Loan programs, the refund will first be applied against the owing balance. Any questions regarding tuition refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services.

Schedule of Tuition Refunds Classes


First week of the quarter 100%
Second week of the quarter 75%
Third week of the quarter 50%
Fourth and fifth week of the quarter 25%
Sixth and following weeks of the quarter 0%


Note: A week is defined as five business days beginning on the first day of each quarter. Specific dates for refunds are available on the University Calendar.

Examples: Tuition Refunds and Adjustments

A student who was originally enrolled for 9 MBA credits drops one 3-credit course the second week of class. The refund is as follows:


Tuition (9 credits) $7,182.00
Tuition for 6 credits ($798 x 6) $4,788.00
Difference $2,394.00
75 percent refund $1,795.50
Tuition due for dropped course $598.50


A student completely withdraws from all MBA courses in the second week:


Tuition (9 credits) $7,182.00
75 percent refund $5,386.50
Student owes $1,795.50


Effect on Financial Aid

Dropping courses may affect your current and continued eligibility for financial aid. Please refer to Satisfactory Progress. It is recommended that you discuss the impact of dropping credits with your SFS counselor prior to completing the drop or withdrawal process.

Complete Withdrawal

If, during a quarter, a student who receives financial aid completely withdraws from the University, the tuition refund is calculated as described above. However, if the student received, or was entitled to receive, any federal (Title IV) funds, the return of the Title IV funds will be calculated by determining the percentage earned and applying this percentage to the total amount of Title IV assistance disbursed (and that could have been disbursed) to the student for the period of enrollment as of the student’s withdrawal date.

The percentage of Title IV funds earned is equal to the percentage of the period of enrollment that the student completed as of the withdrawal date if it occurs on or before the completion of 60 percent of the period of enrollment. The percentage of Title IV funds that have not been earned by the student is determined by taking the complement of the percentage of Title IV funds earned.

The unearned Title IV funds will be returned to financial aid sources based on federal guidelines in the following order: unsubsidized federal Direct Loan; other Title IV aid programs, such as TEACH Grant; other federal, state, private, or institutional aid; and the student.

Drop in Credits

If you are receiving financial aid and you drop courses during any given quarter to below the number of credits that were listed on the post-baccalaureate/graduate information sheet given to SFS, a reassessment of your financial aid award may be made for that quarter.


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