Nursing Praxis: Autumn 2014

Consecration: A Nursing Tradition

Dean Lorie Wild

Even in a profession dependent on the most up-to-date technology and medical breakthroughs, a timeless tradition still takes center stage at SPU: Nursing Consecration. Upon entry into the nursing program, nursing students have a sense of exhilaration in anticipation of their next two years of learning. The Nursing Consecration ceremony is held during this season of excitement.

On October 24, faculty, family, and friends watched as 65 students were consecrated into the nursing program. The ceremony, held at First Free Methodist Church across from the SPU campus, sets the students apart and dedicates them into the service of nursing.

The ceremony was planned by the students and included special Scripture readings, poems, and music performed by the students. Alumni speaker Katie Pitt BSN ’13 provided a short welcome and inspirational message. Bob Zurinsky, assistant director of University Ministries, performed a special “Blessing of the Hands” of each student in preparation for service. In addition, a Gideon’s Auxiliary representative presented each student with a copy of the New Testament.

A reception was held immediately following the ceremony. Prior to the event, Dean Lorie Wild hosted an open house in the Nursing Skills Lab. Family and friends toured the facility and learned more about nursing school expectations, as well as tips on how to support their students.