Romans Week 12

Conclusion and Reflection

The Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is an incredible work, one whose elegance, breadth, depth, and imaginative scope are unrivaled in the New Testament. Attempting to do justice to this epistle in the limits of this series has not been easy. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 11

Reflections of an Apostle: Romans 15:14–16:27

Paul concludes his Epistle to the Romans in more personal terms, addressing his audience in a more direct manner. Especially because of the exhortations that characterized much of the latter part of the letter, Paul may have wanted to make sure that his motives were understood. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 10

Communal Obligations: Romans 14:1–15:13

Christianity has a long history of making small things into big things. Oftentimes the most virulent debates and name-calling within Christianity have been between groups closely related to one another. Stories of churches dividing because of worship styles, the color of the carpet, or the option of either pews or individual chairs are legendary. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 9

Relating to the State: Romans 13

Christianity has had a mixed relationship with the state from its beginning. This ambiguity begins with Jesus: Although he was handed over by the crowds, Jesus ultimately was crucified as a threat to the well-being of the state. He was publicly tried, charged, and crucified. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 8

Advice to the Church: Romans 12

After the interlude of Romans 9–11, Paul picks up where he left off in Chapter 8, speaking of the various implications of this new way of life in Christ Jesus and his Spirit. As we have mentioned time and time again in this series, there is an active involvement on the part of believers. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 7

Israel: Romans 9–11

Often church historians say that the first major split in Christianity occurred between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in 1054. That is not quite accurate. Before there were Western and Eastern Christians, there were Jewish and Gentile Christians … Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 6

Law and Spirit: Romans 7–8

It is part of human nature to resist when somebody says something can’t be done, right? Countless personal stories exist of people who defy the odds because they were motivated by people telling them they couldn’t do something. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 5

Justification and Sanctification: Romans 5–6

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” So states Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This young lady was waxing philosophical in that she could not understand how the names of her and her lover’s families could cause such strife when really what mattered was not people’s names but their character, who they are. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 4

Election Revisited: Romans 4

I like watching movies, usually the older ones (but that is another story). A technique I really enjoy with movies and other kinds of media is the proverbial “twist” at the end. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 3

The Gospel for Both Jews and Gentiles — “No Partiality” Extended: Romans 2:17–3:31

When individuals or groups operate from the understanding that they are special or important, they soon begin to believe it and act accordingly. Immediate examples in our culture are those who experience fame and celebrity. Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 2

The Gospel for Both Jews and Gentiles: Romans 1:1–2:16

When one begins reading, one notices stylistic idiosyncrasies right away. For instance, Paul likes long sentences; really long sentences. (Believe it or not, they tend to be longer than the sentences by this author!) Full reading and audio »

Romans Week 1

Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans

Perhaps no book of the Bible has had a greater influence on the course of Christianity than Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. The list of individuals who have been associated significantly with this book is without parallel … Full reading and audio »