CSC 4250: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2024-2025)

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Explores artificial intelligence with an integrated approach: theory, construction, application and societal implications. The students will learn the different technologies associated with AI, how to build simple learning algorithms, the use of available AI tools and machine learning software. In addition to the technological component, there will be discussions on the ethical and societal implications of AI. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Summer.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Summer 60097 3 Carlos Arias Arevalo
9:00AM-11:00 AM
Otto Miller Hall 119
15 of 20 seats open
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Restrictions: Junior, Senior students only.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Combined Parts A & B

CSC 2431: C- or better
AND (MAT 1720: C- or better
OR MAT 2720: C- or better)