Business Statistics book: online regression exercises

Each link below connects to a page with updated data for you to perform a regression calculation.
Paste the data into a spreadsheet such as Excel and then calculate the indicated regression. The answers are at the bottom of each page. The data is from the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
Click here for trend graphs and more about data links.
  1. Unemployment rate trend: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and UNEMP as the dependent variable. Determine whether there is a general trend for unemployment to increase or decrease. Note that the TIME variable simply counts the number of months that have passed since the series begins.
    Also, calculate the average, variance, and standard deviation for the unemployment rate for this period. Treat the list as a population.
  2. Real gross domestic product trend: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of real GDP as the dependent variable. Note that GDP values are given every quarter. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  3. Total employment trend: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of employment as the dependent variable. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  4. Money supply trend, M1 definition: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of M1 as the dependent variable. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  5. Money supply trend, M2 definition : Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of M2 as the dependent variable. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  6. Federal Government revenue trend: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of federal government revenue as the dependent variable. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  7. Federal Government spending trend: Perform a regression calculation with TIME as the independent variable and the base-10 logarithm of federal government spending as the dependent variable. The first view values of the logarithm are given. Calculate the rest of the logarithm values with the log10 function in Excel.
    After you have performed the regression calculation, calculate the average percentage growth rate per quarter. Calculate (10^slope-1) -- that is, 10 to the power of the regression slope, then subtract 1. The resulting value is the fractional growth rate per quarter. Multiply this value by 100 to get the percentage growth rate.
  8. Real Gross Domestic Product /Employment relation Perform a regression calculation with Real Gross Domestic Product as the independent variable and Employment as the dependent variable. (RGDP is measured in billions of chained 2005 dollars. Employment is measured in thousands).
  9. M1 Money stock / M2 Money stock
    Perform a regression calculation with the money stock, M1 definition, as the independent variable, and the money stock, M2 definition, as the dependent variable. Values are measured in billions of dollars.
  10. M2 Money stock/ Consumer Price Index
    Perform a regression calculation with the money stock, M2 definition, as the independent variable, and the Consumer Price Index, CPI, as the dependent variable. The CPI is scaled so that the value from 1982 to 1984 averages to be 100.
  11. Consumer Price Index and value of dollar
    Perform a regression calculation with the consumer price index as the independent variable, and the value of the dollar as the dependent variable. The dollar value is a weighted average of the value of the dollar relative to other countries, with the weight for each country determined by the volume of trade between the U.S. and that country. The index is scaled so that the value in 1997 is equal to 100.
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