From the Senior Editor
Response Refreshed

The Response team has been busy. Over the past seven months, we've been re-imagining and re-crafting the magazine to better serve our 58,500 readers worldwide.
Our reason for being hasn't changed. We still aim to be a magazine for thoughtful Christians, rooted in the people, life, and mission of SPU. What's different about the "new" Response is a refreshed design and approach to content. And you helped to shape these changes.
In April we sent out an email readers' survey asking how you thought Response could be improved. What we learned was invaluable (see some of our survey results). For instance, you told us that the magazine was your No. 1 source of information about the University, which reinforced how important it is for us to provide you with thorough, accurate, and interesting content.
Among other things, you said you most wanted to read general-interest stories about the Bible and theology, arts and culture, and global issues; along with SPU stories about alumni and faculty, university events, SPU history, and students.
We've worked hard to preserve the things you like about Response — including our focus on cultural engagement — while adding new content we hope will challenge you and strengthen your connections to friends around the world.
What we've added includes a column about words and their meanings; a special alumni section with stories, "Footnotes," and photos from the SPU archives; and "Grace Note," an essay about the Christian life. We've also added more opportunities for your input.
Ultimately, Response is about sharing resources and empowering people to make changes, big or small, to influence their communities for good. But Response is only one of the SPU resources open to you for learning and engagement. If you haven't already, check out the President's blog; the new Lectio: Guided Bible Reading; etc magazine for pre-college students; the upcoming blog from John Medina, director of the SPU Brain Center and best-selling author of Brain Rules — and much more — at
This inaugural issue of the new Response highlights the "care" in "health care." As we are all aware, there are many difficult social, economic, and political questions surrounding health care in the U.S. and the world. But SPU alumni, faculty, students, and friends bring their own perspectives to the discussion. Besides being superbly trained in the science of health care, they are seeking to practice the art of health care. And that art is motivated by the conviction that we as Christians are called to be instruments of caring and healing.
The new Response comes out of the minds, hearts, and skills of a gifted team of people, including Managing Editor Hannah Notess, Art Director Richard Kim, Contributing Editor Jeffrey Overstreet, Senior Writer Clint Kelly and tremendous staff writers, guest writers, and photographers.
We sincerely hope you enjoy the refreshed Response, and we look forward to your comments, ideas, and participation over time.
After all, you are our reason for being.