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University Ministries: 37five

How It Works

Bunches of Love Small Group    Bunches of Love Small Group,

awarded Spring 2008.

See the 37five Photo Gallery for more photos.

See the 37five Photo Gallery highlighting Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarter 2008–09 awarded groups.


Step One: Small Groups

  1. Form a small group or Cadre of at least three people. Meet with one another for friendship and growth, and practice in the ways of Jesus Christ. Meet at least five times per quarter.
  2. On-campus students: Talk with your SMC to get signed up for a small group.
  3. Off-campus students: Email the Sharpen ministry ( for small-group options.

Step Two: Worship

Within your small group or Cadre: Hold one another accountable to each attend at least seven SPU worship gatherings each quarter. Worship with your community! Eligible gatherings include gather, group, and grace, and nights of worship which are occasionally offered by University Ministries.


Step Three: Submit a grant application

  1. For each quarter that a small group or Cadre commits to meeting together and worshiping with the SPU community, that group is eligible to submit a grant application.
  2. For Fall Quarter 2009, grant applications will only be accepted from USEM classes. For Winter Quarter 2009, grant applications may be submitted through March 5th, 2010.
  3. Include a check to your organization with your application. If your application is selected, the 37five Project will match the amount of your check, up to $100, and send the two checks in together. If your application is not selected, the 37five Project will return the check to you, or send it to the organization, based on your direction.
  4. Tell your story! How has your involvement with your selected nonprofit agency changed you? How do you hope to change the world for the better? Inspire your fellow students, faculty, and staff members by sharing your experience in one of our community gatherings or publications.

Criteria: How will organizations be chosen?

To receive 37five funding, organizations must be registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization (exceptions may be possible in the case of international organizations). A board made up of students, faculty, and staff (the 37five Decision Board) will direct the grants. The board will decide based on the criteria below, consistent with the work of the John Perkins Center and the Christian Community Development Association. It is not expected that your organization will meet all of these criteria. Regardless of whether your application is chosen, each group that makes an application will be contacted personally by a 37five board member or University Ministries staff member.

Need more information on your organization? Not sure where to find an organization that reflects your passions? Use this library tool to help your group research nonprofits or give to an organization with whom SPU already partners through Urban Involvement.

  • Incarnational Ministry
    • The organization has a physical presence in and is in direct relationship with the community or individuals it serves.
  • Reconciliation between God and people
    • The organization encourages reconciliation of people to God through evangelism and proclamation of hope in Jesus Christ.
    • The organization encourages reconciliation of individuals to each other, across barriers of race, social class, economic status, and gender.
  • Just Use of Resources
    • The organization promotes sharing of resources, skills and assets between those who have and those in need.
  • Leadership Development
    • The organization seeks to empower and develop indigenous leadership, utilizing the strengths and gifts of those already in the community.
  • Listening to Community
    • The organization seeks to address felt needs and goals identified and valued by those served.
  • Church-Based
    • The organization emphasizes the importance of the local church in nurturing and sustaining the growth and development of individuals and communities.
  • Holistic Approach
    • The organization’s approach to problem-solving considers root causes and pursues long-term solutions rather than simply providing band-aid solutions.
  • Empowerment
    • The organization seeks to develop the ability of the served, sharing power, authority and success with all participants.

Characteristics of Strong Applications

Additional value will be placed on applications that:
  • Show strong commitment among group members to grow in Christian maturity.
  • Show how community worship affected their group experience (e.g., conversations about speakers, finding unity through worshiping together, etc.).
  • Nominate organizations that demonstrate effective stewardship of resources.
  • Demonstrate a relationship between the small group or Cadre and the organization (e.g., group members sponsor a child, volunteer, plan to serve in the future, show connection with academic pursuits, pray, and support the organization).
  • Show evidence that the group researched the organization thoroughly.
  • Demonstrate group initiative – collaboration with other groups; plans to combine 37five money with other donations; plans to develop a social venture project with the SPU School of Business, etc.
  • Persuasively and thoughtfully describe why your small group or Cadre wants to give to the particular organization.

To contact a staff member in University Ministries about the 37five Project, email, or call 206-281-2966.