ASSP Ministry Council
The purpose of
the ASSP Ministry Council is to act as a decision-making body for campus
ministry issues, within the context of the jurisdiction granted
the Ministry Council by ASSP, the John Perkins Center, and the Office of University Ministries
(and specifically excluding those decisions
which fall within individual position descriptions).
ASSP Ministries Council (AMC) shall be chaired by the ASSP VPM, and shall consist of the following members: Urban Involvement (UI) Coordinator, Group Coordinator, SPRINT Coordinator, the two Campus Student Ministry Coordinators (CSMCs), Gather Coordinator, Latreia Coordinator, Sharpen
Coordinator, Relinquish Coordinator, Catalyst Ministry Coordinator and two ASSP Senators, with the Directors of the OUM and JPC, and all staff advisors serving as ex-officio members.
Selection: Final Selection of all coordinators
rests with the ASSP Ministry Council. A review committee consisting
of the current coordinator, the vice president of ministries,
VPM-elect, and the designated advisor from OUM/CFW or the Perkins Center reviews
applications and conducts interviews.
The review committee nominates
one candidate to ASSP Ministry Council for final approval. AMC considers nominations
and either approves the nomination or refers it back to the review
committee for reconsideration. If AMC refers a nomination to the
review comittee, the committee reopens the application process.
AMC typically completes its selection process within three weeks
after ASSP Officer elections. All decisions of AMC require a two-thirds
majority vote.
Other Duties: The Council
is responsible for making decisions on campus ministry issues
in the context of its purpose, outlined above. Primary issues include
new program ideas, formation of ministry procedures and
guidelines, and evaluation of current programs for the purpose of
instituting improvements and/or determining program continuation.
All decisions require a two-thirds majority vote. The AMC also supports
and prays for the ongoing ministries within the organization.