Podiatric Medicine

Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) specialize in the function of the lower extremities. They diagnose and correct injuries, deformities such as tumors and ulcers, and other issues related to the feet and ankles. Podiatrists may specialize in sports medicine, pediatrics, diabetic and wound care, and surgery.

Suggested undergraduate major: Physiology.

Graduate training: Four-year professional program plus residency (practicing medicine under supervision).

American Podiatric Medicine Association: https://www.apma.org/

American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM): https://aacpm.org/

List of school from the Council of Podiatric Medical Education: https://www.cpme.org/colleges/content.cfm?ItemNumber=2425

Standardized test: Medical College Admission Test (MCAT): https://students-residents.aamc.org/taking-mcat-exam/taking-mcat-exam

American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine Application Service (AACPMAS): https://aacpm.org/becoming-a-podiatric-physician/admissions/

Please note: this page provides information for current SPU students and does not represent a program that SPU offers.