Art & Atonement: Expressing Truth & Justice

DOCL 2023 Image of a cross against a wild sky

Seattle Pacific University and the Faculty Life Office are pleased to present the 21st annual Day of Common Learning with Lo Alaman: Jan. 24, 2023.

Our world is filled with hurt and injustice, and many are singing a hymn of mourning. Yet the world is calling for justice and unity. How are believers called to respond?

This year’s speaker, Loren “Lo” Alaman, uses poetry and stories to share his lament about racial tensions in the Black community and elsewhere. As he writes in his book, We Sang a Dirge, “Biblical lament stems from hope that God has more in mind for His people than the brokenness that they find themselves in.”

In this 2023 Day of Common Learning, come to explore and consider ways “Art and Atonement” can help heal brokenness in this world.

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023

Lo Alaman, aka Lo The Poet

Lo Alaman. Artist. Speaker. Minister.

Loren “Lo” Alaman, who’s also known as Lo The Poet, is the author of We Sang a Dirge: Poems, Laments, and Other Things That Matter to God. He is a nationally known spoken-word artist, author, speaker, and minister. He’ll also tell you that while he's an L.A. Lakers fan most days of the week, there is not a day that he doesn’t consider himself a husband and father, and son of the Most High God.

Whether preaching, spitting poetry, or just chilling with new friends, Lo seeks to create moments to minister the love of Jesus Christ in every space he enters. Lo lives in Texas with his wife and their two young children.


DOCL 2023 Schedule

Keynote Address

“Missing Piece of the Masterpiece: Finding Ourselves in the Atoning Work of God”
Lo Alaman

Time: 10–11 a.m.
Location: Royal Brougham Pavilion

Faculty Luncheon

Time: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Location: Upper Gwinn

Faculty should confirm their attendance by responding to the invitation by emailing by Jan. 13.

Afternoon Sessions

Time: 1–1:50 p.m. and 2–2:50 p.m.
Various locations

View the list of afternoon sessions here. Each session will be held twice, allowing members of the campus community to participate more fully.

Open Mic Night With Lo The Poet

Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Upper Gwinn

SPU students are invited to join Lo The Poet in an evening of spoken-word art and expression.

About the Day of Common Learning

Now in its 21st year, the Day of Common Learning at Seattle Pacific University is a campuswide event in which students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to engage in deep thought and conversation around a topic of interest and concern. To enable the community to gather, all classes before 3 p.m. are canceled and offices are closed during the keynote address. 

All DOCL 2023 events are free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible. Classes scheduled from 3 p.m. onward are held as usual.

Photo Gallery From the 2021 Keynote Address

Listen to or view past Day of Common Learning lectures.