If you enter Seattle Pacific without transferred college credit (or credit awarded for AP, Cambridge International, IB, or CLEP exams) to fulfill the Exploratory Curriculum Ways of Knowing in Quantitative Reasoning (WKQR) requirement, you will place into one or more of the following mathematics courses:
- MAT 0144, 0145, 1110, 1221, 1234, 1300, 1521, 1560, 2360, or 2700
- BUS 2700
- CSC 1521
- EDU 2600
- PSY 2360
- SOC 2360
Appropriate placement in mathematics courses depends upon your intended major, as well as eligibility criteria. Eligibility can be demonstrated through an SAT or ACT math score, a passing Smarter Balanced test score, the Washington state General Math Placement Test (MPT-G), or transfer of a college course. The MPT-G is given at high schools throughout the state or at college testing centers.Visit the Math Department for availability of the test at SPU.
Other departments may also require one of the Mathematics Placement Levels listed below as a prerequisite for courses in their major.
Mathematics Placement Level 0
A placement level of zero indicates one of two things: The student has not yet taken the MPT-G, or the student does not meet any of the criteria for Mathematics Placement Level A and should begin by enrolling in MAT 0144.
Mathematics Placement Level A
To be eligible to enroll in MAT 0145, MAT 1521, MAT 1560, or CSC 1521, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Score 580 or above on the math portion of the SAT exam.
- Score 25 or above on the math portion of the ACT test.
- Score 3 or 4 on the math portion of the Smarter Balanced assessment and successfully complete an appropriate math course in 12th grade (HS graduation year 2016-2018.)
- Score 145 or above on the MPT-G (the Washington state General Math Placement Test).
- Complete MAT 0144 with a grade of C- or better, OR complete an approved course in intermediate algebra at another college or university with a grade of C- or better.
Mathematics Placement Level B
To be eligible to enroll in MAT 1300, MAT 2360, MAT 2700, MAT 1110, BUS 2700, EDU 2600, PSY 2360 or SOC 2360, you must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Score 580 or above on the math portion of the SAT exam.
- Score 25 or above on the math portion of the ACT test.
- Score 3 or 4 on
the math portion of the Smarter Balanced assessment and successfully
complete an appropriate math course in 12th grade (HS graduation year
- Score 150 or above on the MPT-G (the Washington State General Math Placement Test).
- Complete MAT 0145 with a grade of C- or better, OR complete an approved course in Intermediate Algebra at another college or university with a grade of C- or better.
Mathematics Placement Level C
To be eligible to enroll in MAT 1221 or MAT 1234, you must achieve a passing score on the SPU’s online Calculus Placement Test before registering for the course.
- If you plan to take MAT 1234, but did not achieve a passing score on the test, you must first complete MAT 1110 and receive a grade of C- or better.
- If you plan to take MAT 1221, but did not achieve a passing score on the test, you must first complete MAT 1010 and receive a grade of C- or better.
College readiness mathematics
The courses, MAT 0144 “College Readiness Mathematics I” and MAT 0145 “College Readiness Mathematics II,” are designed for students who do not have adequate mathematical backgrounds to succeed in college-level coursework in mathematics.
If you need to take a course with prerequisites of Mathematics Placement Level A, you will need to take MAT 0144 if you do not meet any of the other conditions listed. If you need to take courses with prerequisites of Mathematics Placement Level B, you may need to take both MAT 0144 and 0145.
The three Mathematics Placement levels are summarized in the table below. To be eligible to enroll in a course listed at a particular placement level in the following table, you must meet at least one of the criteria in the corresponding row.
Mathematics Placement
Prerequisite: Must Meet at Least
One of the Criteria
Level A
Course You Plan to Take:
MAT 0145;
MAT 1560 and 2561;
MAT 1521; or CSC 1521
- SAT Math Score: 580 or above
- ACT Math Score: 25 or above
- Smarter Balanced Score: 3 or 4 with 12th grade math course
- MPT-G Score: 145 or above
- College
Coursework*: MAT 0144
or Intermediate Algebra
Level B
Course You Plan to Take:
MAT 1300, 2360, 2700, or 1110;
BUS 2700, EDU 2600,
PSY 2360,|
SOC 2360
- SAT Math Score: 580 or above
- ACT Math Score: 25 or above
- Smarter Balanced Score: 3 or 4 with 12th grade math course
- MPT-G Score: 150 or above
- College
Coursework*: MAT 0145
or Intermediate Algebra
Level C
Course You Plan to Take:
MAT 1221 or 1234
- SAT Math Score: N/A**
- ACT Math Score: N/A**
- Smarter Balanced Score: N/A**
- MPT-G Score: N/A**
- College Coursework: MAT 1110
(C- or better)
* A grade of C- or better is required in prerequisite coursework. Courses may be transferred.
** Students planning to take MAT 1221 or 1234 must achieve a passing score on the online Calculus Placement Test before registering for the course.