Open Class List


Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Winter 2025 Business Courses
20135 BUS 6201 Online Christian Values, Ethics and the Marketplace 2 Tom Parks 29 open seats
20158 BUS 6201 Blended Christian Values, Ethics and the Marketplace 2 Tom Parks 30 open seats
Winter 2025 Clinical Psychology Courses
20340 CPY 7009 Traditional Psychological Interventions IV: Group, Int... 4 Thane Erickson 7 open seats
20341 CPY 7032 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 5 Jorge Lumbreras 15 open seats
20342 CPY 7032 Online Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 5 Jessica Fossum 12 open seats
20343 CPY 7141 Traditional Psychological Assessment: Neuropsychology 4 Vanessa Zhou 8 open seats
20344 CPY 7210 Traditional Developmental Psychology 5 Jenny Lee Vaydich 8 open seats
20345 CPY 7220 Traditional Psychopathology 5 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
20346 CPY 7315 Traditional Psychological Interventions II: DBT and Th... 5 Keyne Law 7 open seats
20348 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Thane Erickson 43 open seats
20349 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Keyne Law 38 open seats
20350 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Munyi Shea 40 open seats
20351 CPY 7928 Traditional Clinical Foundations II 2 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
20867 CPY 7929 Traditional Pre-Clinical Placement 2 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 8 open seats
20353 CPY 7930 Arranged Clinical Placement 2 Thane Erickson 51 open seats
20354 CPY 7931 Arranged Advanced Clinical Placement 1-2 Thane Erickson 38 open seats
20356 CPY 7951 Traditional Advanced Topical Seminar in Clinical Psych... 4 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 3 open seats
20358 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Thane Erickson 9 open seats
20359 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Keyne Law 6 open seats
20360 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Jenny Lee Vaydich 6 open seats
20361 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Munyi Shea 10 open seats
20364 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Thane Erickson 11 open seats
20365 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Keyne Law 7 open seats
20366 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Munyi Shea 5 open seats
Winter 2025 Education: Administration Courses
20446 EDAD 6584 Online School Finance 3 Carla Estes 7 open seats
20447 EDAD 6585 Online School Law 3 Julie Antilla 13 open seats
20800 EDAD 6940 Arranged Principal Administrative Internship 3 Julie Antilla 11 open seats
20799 EDAD 6941 Arranged Program Administrator Internship 3 Julie Antilla 20 open seats
20802 EDAD 7582 Online Education Law and Policy Studies 3 Deborah Rumbaugh 16 open seats
20811 EDAD 7890 Arranged Executive Leadership Field Experience 1 Julie Antilla 16 open seats
Winter 2025 Education: Reading Courses
20857 EDRD 6529 Traditional Learning to Read: Teaching Practices for E... 3 Grace Inae Blum 19 open seats
20456 EDRD 6980 Traditional Field Experience and Pedagogy Assessment 1-3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 22 open seats
20457 EDRD 6980 Traditional Field Experience and Pedagogy Assessment 1-3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 22 open seats
Winter 2025 Education: Science Courses
20460 EDSC 6250 Blended Elementary Science Methods 3 Christy McGraw 12 open seats
Winter 2025 Education: Special (EDSP) Courses
20465 EDSP 6642 Online Individualized Education Programs 3 Jorge Preciado 11 open seats
20467 EDSP 6658 Online Professional Issues in Special Education 2 Jorge Preciado 5 open seats
Winter 2025 Education: Technology Courses
20877 EDTC 6102 Blended Digital Learning 6 David Wicks 3 open seats
20878 EDTC 6102 Online Digital Learning 6 David Wicks 9 open seats
Winter 2025 Education (EDU) Courses
20483 EDU 6085 Online Moral and Theological Issues in Education 3 Scott Beers 9 open seats
20484 EDU 6120 Online American Education: Past and Present 3 Pete Renn 19 open seats
20486 EDU 6133 Online Culturally Sustaining Teaching for Diverse... 3 Jorge Preciado 10 open seats
20487 EDU 6136 Online Content Methods 3 Kirsten Koetje 11 open seats
20488 EDU 6139 Blended Internship Seminar Part A 2 Jill Heiney-Smith 9 open seats
20491 EDU 6139 Online Internship Seminar Part A 2 Nalline Baliram 10 open seats
20853 EDU 6139 Online Internship Seminar Part A 2 Jill Heiney-Smith 8 open seats
20492 EDU 6172 Blended Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods f... 3 Nalline Baliram 18 open seats
20493 EDU 6250 Online Blueprint for Flourishing in Education 1 Megan Hamshar 5 open seats
20494 EDU 6361 Online Secondary English Methods 3 Jill Heiney-Smith 19 open seats
20526 EDU 6364 Blended Teaching Secondary Social Studies 3 Pete Renn 16 open seats
20496 EDU 6600 Online Communication and Collaboration: Colleague... 3 Robin Henrikson 14 open seats
20498 EDU 6944 Online Professional Learning Networks 1 Jill Heiney-Smith 39 open seats
20503 EDU 6945 Arranged Residency Student Teaching Internship 4 Jill Heiney-Smith 20 open seats
20504 EDU 6945 Arranged Residency Student Teaching Internship 3 Kirsten Koetje 31 open seats
20505 EDU 6949 Arranged Student Teaching Internship 5 Jill Heiney-Smith 45 open seats
20506 EDU 6949 Arranged Student Teaching Internship 1-10 Jill Heiney-Smith 18 open seats
20507 EDU 6975 Online Interpreting and Applying Educational Rese... 3 David Denton 16 open seats
20508 EDU 7102 Online Curriculum Theory 3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 16 open seats
20510 EDU 7930 Traditional University Teaching Practicum Seminar 1-3 Nyaradzo Mvududu 10 open seats
20511 EDU 7930 Traditional University Teaching Practicum Seminar 1-3 Julie Antilla 10 open seats
20512 EDU 7930 Traditional University Teaching Practicum Seminar 1-3 David Denton 10 open seats
20513 EDU 7930 Traditional University Teaching Practicum Seminar 1-3 David Wicks 10 open seats
20514 EDU 7930 Traditional University Teaching Practicum Seminar 1-3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 9 open seats
20515 EDU 7972 Online Quantitative Research Design I: Linear Mod... 3 David Denton 14 open seats
20517 EDU 7977 Online Seminar: Research Methods and Statistics R... 3 Nyaradzo Mvududu 21 open seats
20518 EDU 7977 Traditional Seminar: Research Methods and Statistics R... 3 Nyaradzo Mvududu 10 open seats
20519 EDU 7990 Traditional Leadership Colloquium 3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 15 open seats
20520 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Julie Antilla 6 open seats
20521 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Kris Mensonides Gritter 6 open seats
20522 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Nyaradzo Mvududu 7 open seats
20523 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 David Wicks 5 open seats
20524 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Scott Beers 9 open seats
20794 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Nalline Baliram 7 open seats
Winter 2025 English Courses
20558 ENG 6100 Traditional Art and Faith 3 Scott Cairns 20 open seats
20560 ENG 6220 Traditional Workshop II 3 Scott Cairns 20 open seats
20561 ENG 6230 Traditional Workshop III 3 Scott Cairns 10 open seats
20562 ENG 6240 Traditional Workshop IV 3 Scott Cairns 5 open seats
20563 ENG 6250 Traditional Workshop V 3 Scott Cairns 5 open seats
20568 ENG 6330 Traditional Craft III 3 Scott Cairns 10 open seats
20572 ENG 6420 Online Tutorial II 6 Scott Cairns 10 open seats
20573 ENG 6430 Online Tutorial III 6 Scott Cairns 10 open seats
20575 ENG 6450 Online Tutorial V 6 Scott Cairns 16 open seats
20576 ENG 6460 Online Final Manuscript Tutorial 6 Scott Cairns 5 open seats
20578 ENG 6480 Traditional Tutorial VIII 6 Scott Cairns 4 open seats
20580 ENG 6500 Traditional Manuscript and Reading 1 Scott Cairns 5 open seats
Winter 2025 Family Consumer Science Courses
20107 FCS 6940 Blended Nutrition and Dietetics Internship 15 Joey Freeman 9 open seats
Winter 2025 Information Systems Management Courses
20144 ISM 6002 Online Intro to Data Analytics 3 Ryan LaBrie 36 open seats
20840 ISM 6002 Blended Intro to Data Analytics 3 Ryan LaBrie 19 open seats
20145 ISM 6212 Online Database Management and Warehousing 3 Ryan LaBrie 38 open seats
20159 ISM 6212 Blended Database Management and Warehousing 3 Ryan LaBrie 5 open seats
20146 ISM 6225 Blended Information: Ethics and the Common Good 2 Tom Parks 20 open seats
20147 ISM 6225 Online Information: Ethics and the Common Good 2 Tom Parks 29 open seats
20148 ISM 6354 Online Programming for Data Analytics: R 3 Andy Chen 27 open seats
20149 ISM 6354 Blended Programming for Data Analytics: R 3 Andy Chen 14 open seats
20150 ISM 6359 Online Data Mining 3 Ryan LaBrie 35 open seats
20160 ISM 6359 Blended Data Mining 3 Ryan LaBrie 14 open seats
20151 ISM 6930 Traditional Information Systems Management Consulting ... 1-6 Ryan LaBrie 9 open seats
Winter 2025 Medical Family Therapy Courses
20378 MDFT 6651 Traditional Spirituality and Health 1 Anne Prouty 8 open seats
20379 MDFT 6653 Traditional Trauma Informed Care in Medical Family The... 1 Stephanie Armes 2 open seats
20380 MDFT 6931 Online Medical Family Therapy Clinical Practicum II 2 Anne Prouty 2 open seats
Winter 2025 Marriage and Family Therapy Courses
20381 MFT 6110 Traditional Human Sexuality 3 Tamura Turney 2 open seats
20382 MFT 6301 Traditional Becoming a Systems Therapist 3 Hee-Sun Cheon 7 open seats
20383 MFT 6303 Traditional Theories of Marriage and Family Therapy II 3 Anne Prouty 3 open seats
20384 MFT 6410 Traditional Treatment of Couples 3 Tamura Turney 5 open seats
20385 MFT 6600 Traditional Psychopathology and Family Systems 3 Hee-Sun Cheon 7 open seats
20386 MFT 6700 Traditional Graduate Research 3 Stephanie Armes 4 open seats
20387 MFT 6934 Arranged Clinical Practicum II 2 Anne Prouty 1 open seats
20388 MFT 6934 Arranged Clinical Practicum II 2 Tamura Turney 1 open seats
20389 MFT 6934 Arranged Clinical Practicum II 2 Stephanie Armes 1 open seats
20390 MFT 6934 Arranged Clinical Practicum II 2 Hee-Sun Cheon 1 open seats
20391 MFT 6934 Traditional Clinical Practicum II 2 Peter Rivera 2 open seats
20393 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Anne Prouty 2 open seats
20394 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Peter Rivera 2 open seats
20395 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Stephanie Armes 1 open seats
20396 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Hee-Sun Cheon 1 open seats
20397 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Tamura Turney 1 open seats
20832 MFT 6938 Arranged Clinical Practicum VI 2 Bill Collins 1 open seats
20876 MFT 6941 Traditional Advanced Clinical Practicum 1 Hee-Sun Cheon 2 open seats
Winter 2025 Industrial/Organizational Psy Courses
20274 ORG 6010 Traditional Selection and Performance Management 4 Jorge Lumbreras 9 open seats
20275 ORG 6210 Traditional Program and Organizational Evaluation 4 Paul Yost 7 open seats
20276 ORG 6300 Traditional Leadership and Team Development 4 Joey Collins 14 open seats
20371 ORG 6610 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 4 Jorge Lumbreras 19 open seats
20374 ORG 6610 Online Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 4 Jessica Fossum 17 open seats
20278 ORG 6940 Traditional Internship 2 Paul Yost 9 open seats
20279 ORG 7001 Traditional Faith, Meaning and Professional Foundation... 4 Helen Chung 2 open seats
20372 ORG 7032 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 5 Jorge Lumbreras 8 open seats
20375 ORG 7032 Online Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 5 Jessica Fossum 15 open seats
20280 ORG 7200 Traditional Theoretical Perspectives on Organizations 4 Helen Chung 1 open seats
20291 ORG 7210 Traditional Program and Organizational Evaluation 4 Paul Yost 3 open seats
20281 ORG 7300 Traditional Leadership and Team Development 4 Paul Yost 2 open seats
20282 ORG 7940 Traditional Placement 4 Paul Yost 4 open seats
20283 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Jorge Lumbreras 8 open seats
20284 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Paul Yost 4 open seats
20285 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Joey Collins 8 open seats
20286 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Helen Chung 6 open seats
20287 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Jorge Lumbreras 4 open seats
20288 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Paul Yost 5 open seats
20289 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Joey Collins 5 open seats
20290 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Helen Chung 3 open seats
Winter 2025 Research Psychology Courses
20367 RPS 6200 Traditional Applied Research Design II 4 Jenny Lee Vaydich 6 open seats
20796 RPS 6400 Traditional Survey Research 4 Bethany Hoff 4 open seats
20373 RPS 6520 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 4 Jorge Lumbreras 13 open seats
20376 RPS 6520 Online Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 4 Jessica Fossum 6 open seats
20368 RPS 6930 Arranged Practicum 1-3 Jenny Lee Vaydich 6 open seats
20369 RPS 6950 Traditional ST: Practicum 4 Jenny Lee Vaydich 10 open seats
20370 RPS 6995 Arranged Research and Thesis 2-4 Jenny Lee Vaydich 15 open seats
Winter 2025 Theology Courses
20606 THEO 6040 Traditional Bible II: Introduction to the Old Testament 3 Bo Lim 9 open seats
20793 THEO 6040 Online Bible II: Introduction to the Old Testament 3 Bo Lim 3 open seats
20607 THEO 6050 Traditional Global Christian Heritage II: AD 1454-1900 3 Doug Strong 7 open seats
20792 THEO 6050 Online Global Christian Heritage II: AD 1454-1900 3 Doug Strong 4 open seats
20608 THEO 6060 Traditional Theology/Ethics II: Doctrine of Christ and... 3 Segbegnon Gnonhossou 16 open seats
20227 THEO 6202 Traditional Hebrew II 3 Mark Stone 10 open seats
20609 THEO 6270 Traditional Biblical Exegesis: The Acts of the Apostles 3 Esther Cen 9 open seats
20610 THEO 6500 Traditional Theology, Disability, and the Church 3 Mike Langford 11 open seats
20791 THEO 6500 Online Theology, Disability, and the Church 3 Mike Langford 2 open seats
20611 THEO 6513 Traditional Reconciliation and Intercultural Studies: ... 3 Brenda Salter McNeil 12 open seats
20805 THEO 6740 Traditional Preaching I: From Scripture to Sermon 3 Alex Kato 11 open seats
20612 THEO 6743 Traditional Pastoral Care and Counseling 3 Rick Steele 1 open seats
20613 THEO 6940 Traditional Contextual Education Internship 2 Doug Strong 15 open seats
20864 THEO 6951 Traditional Worship & Arts Lyrical Theo 2 Aly Quatier 6 open seats