Frank C. Tejada Martinez

Frank C. Tejada Martinez
The MBA graduate, who double majored in business administration and global development as an undergraduate at SPU, landed a consulting contract in South America. “With the education I have received from SPU, I can now take my skills anywhere in the world. SPU has allowed me to think globally; working in Europe, Asia, or Latin America is no longer a dream but a reality.” 

Hometown: Lima, Peru, and Seattle, Washinton

GraduateMaster’s in Business Administration (MBA) with an emphasis in Finance

Undergraduate: Double MajorBusiness Administration with an emphasis on International Business and Financial Economics (SPU Class of 2015).

Favorite Classes: BUS 3828 - International Business, and BUS 6280 - Global Political Economy both taught by Professor Poznanska. I loved these two classes as they resonated with both my personal and academic life. Professor Poznanska and I are both immigrants; this exposed us to various cultures, languages, and business practices. Her very personable and caring ways of teaching allowed me to think and dream big. With the education I have received from SPU, I can now take my skills anywhere in the world. SPU has allowed me to think globally — working in Europe, Asia, or Latin America is no longer a dream but a reality. I will be able to carry my alma mater’s motto of “Engaging the Culture, Changing the World” anywhere my career takes me.

Most Challenging Class: BUS 6220 - Financial Analysis with Professor Beavers. It was a class of debutants, as it was my first class in the MBA program, and it was also Professor Beavers first class teaching at the graduate level. Let’s just say this class was intense, no one in the class ever raised any questions regarding the assignments or the pace of the class. I thought it was me being inadequately prepared, but it turns out that everyone else was in the same boat, and Professor Beavers had yet to calibrate the workload. He later admitted that this class was the most challenging that he ever taught. I am happy to say that I have taken classes with Professor Beavers since and they are just right!

Favorite memory of SPU: Studying abroad for one semester in Chengdu, China, as part of my International Business program. This was truly a mind-opening experience, as I have only been exposed to Western cultures all my life (Latin America, USA, and Europe). I’ve been able to not only learn the language, but the cultural practices truly enriched me as a person. Traveling around my beautiful host nation was also a plus (Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu, the Tibetan territory, and Hong Kong). I didn’t just learn from books, but I also got to experience life in a completely different society in which I also got to know my true self.

Biggest life lesson learned during college: Working hard is great, but one needs to recognize that there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Also, recognizing that no one can perform all tasks at all times is very humbling but also empowering, as it allows us to stop thinking individually and start thinking as a team.

Plans after graduation: I already landed a consulting contract in South America, which will keep me busy for the next year or so. I hope to get employment opportunities in Scandinavia eventually, and not only enjoy my professional career but also continue exploring this beautiful world full of diversity. Work and life balance are a must!