Spring Quarter Orientation

Students hanging out in front of Demaray Hall at Seattle Pacific University

Welcome Falcons! We are so excited for you to join the SPU community and hope you are, too. However, we also recognize transitioning to a new school mid-academic year can pose unique challenges. We hope that Orientation can help that transition go as smoothly as possible and provide the opportunity for you to make some connections. Orientation is an exciting and informative one-day experience that will connect you to campus and all the resources we have to offer. You'll have the opportunity to get to know campus better, meet current and other new students, and interact with some representatives from various student services around campus.


Orientation is mandatory for all new students, and you should register ahead of time to ensure we have swag and dinner reserved for you and your guests. Students are encouraged to bring parents, family, and other supporters to our in-person Orientation program.


For Spring Quarter 2025 admits, Orientation will host an in-person program on Tuesday, March 25, 5–6 p.m. in Eaton Hall 112. Please see below for a detailed schedule for the event:

The program will include student services presentations, dinner, and giveaways. If you’re planning to live on campus, we invite you to begin the move-in process at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25.

NSO Canvas Course

In addition to our in-person Orientation experience, there is also a New-Student Orientation (NSO) course that all incoming students are asked to complete. This NSO Canvas course is the first step to a successful transition to SPU! Canvas is our learning management system, where the classes you’re taking Spring Quarter will be housed, along with the NSO course.

Through this mandatory course, you’ll learn about vital support systems, resources, and departments at SPU, all while going through the course modules at your own pace. Please complete the course by Friday, April 12.

International Student Orientation

Are you an International student? If so, make sure you attend both Spring Quarter Orientation and New International Student Orientation.

New International Student Orientation will be Tuesday, March 25, 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Further details about New International Student Orientation, with the specific location, will be emailed to your SPU email account in February. All new undergraduate and graduate F-1 international students are required to attend this orientation session in addition to any other new student orientations you are invited to. Visit the International Student Orientation page for more info.

Before You Arrive

  1. Register for Orientation.
  2. Start the New Student Orientation Canvas course.
  3. Complete New Student Advising. Make sure you're registered for Spring Quarter classes!
  4. Complete your online medical history form and vaccination requirement documentation. More details from SPU Health Services can be found here.
  5. Submit a Falcon Card photo.
    • Falcon Cards are our SPU Identification Cards that give you access to buildings, copy services, meal plants, Falcon Funds, student discounts, and more!
    • Before you arrive to campus, you must submit a photo for your ID card. Find more information here about how to take and upload a photo.
    • Schedule a time to pick up your Falcon Card
    • Reach out to falconcards@spu.edu with any questions you have.
  6. Buy your books. Order your textbook through the SPU Bookstore using your class course numbers (or “CRNs”). Your professors have already uploaded the books you need — all you have to do is purchase them online, and pick them up at the SPU Bookstore when you arrive on campus.
  7. Check your email for the most up-to-date information as Spring Quarter gets closer.


Call the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at 206-281-2689 or email orientation@spu.edu.