Olivia Clements

I try to appreciate the beauty in all things, be it nature, photography, words, or experiences. Specifically, I find joy in learning others’ stories. Learning individual experiences plants roots of empathy and can create a sense of emotional authenticity, which I feel is a necessity to being a designer/artist.

The Thin Man

Inspired by the style of Saul Bass, I sought to create an opening sequence for the 1934 film, The Thin Man. Through color and reoccurring imagery, I attempted to recreate the spirit of the classic screwball comedy in a little over two minutes.

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Infographic: Depression in the King County Homeless Population

For this project, our class partnered with Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission to create information graphics that focused on one of the five main interest areas of UGM. In particular, I focused on mental health in the King County homeless community, an area which is often overlooked.

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Binder of research on homelessness

Typographic System Design: Hub and Bespoke

Created in TypeTool, I designed a typographic system based on lettering I discovered in the Fremont district of Seattle.

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The inspiration – Hub and Bespoke in Fremont

The Fifth Phase

A poster design for our class senior exhibition, titled “The Fifth Phase.” Combining organic and geometric elements, the design is clean and simple, allowing for multiple views of an abstract idea.

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Immaculate Cleansing

A study in semiotics, this screen print plays off of the ideas of religious and cultural iconography. Combining the spiritual imagery of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a well-known image of detergent, this piece juxtaposes two different ideas of what it means to be cleansed.

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Thoughts of Spring

Watercolor work depicting the desire for new life in the changing of the seasons and published in the 2013 Lingua Journal.

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