EDU 6944: Professional Learning Networks (2024-2025)

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Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) are small groups of endorsement-alike students across all graduate program tracks. PLNs support students in developing a sense of belonging and teacher identity during the program. With the support of faculty mentors and program events, PLNs explore topics aligned to internship and coursework. Each quarter has a focus topic, including supporting multilingual learners, supporting exceptional learners, and educational technology. Typically offered: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring. May be repeated for credit 3 times.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Spring 40424 1 Jill Heiney-Smith
5:00PM-7:35 PM
80 of 80 seats open
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Fees: SOE GTE Student Program Fee: $75 (refundable)
Restrictions: Accel MA Teaching Online, Accel Master Tch Math Sci Onln, Alt Routes to Certification-SE, MA Teaching Online only. Graduate Teacher Education cohort(s) only.
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading
Instructional Methods: Online
Note: Full Term