EDU 6945: Residency Student Teaching Internship (2024-2025)

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Spring 2025

A full-time clinical practice experience in a supervised classroom setting where teacher candidates practice the knowledge and skills of a professional educator including observation, planning, instruction, assessment and reflection. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits. Fee(s): ARC Internship Fee

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Spring 40428 4 Jill Heiney-Smith
Emily Huff
Kristine Kutz
Donna Chursky
Erica Swanson
Jorge Preciado
LaShae Lee
Kjellaug Rowe
Nalline Baliram
Dotty Ewbank-Anderson
Amanda Nygren Daellenbach
John McDavid
Kelli Larsen
50 of 50 seats open
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Fees: ARC Internship Fee: $200 (refundable)
Restrictions: Graduate only. Accel MA Teaching, Accel MA Teaching Online, Accel Master Tch Math Sci, Accel Master Tch Math Sci Onln only. Graduate Teacher Education cohort(s) only.
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal with G
Instructional Methods: Arranged
Note: Extended Deadline
Spring 40429 3 Kirsten Koetje
Kristine Kutz
Janie McDavid
Pete Renn
Donna Chursky
Erica Swanson
LaShae Lee
Sarah Blake
Kjellaug Rowe
Karen Kennedy
Amanda Nygren Daellenbach
Kelli Larsen
50 of 50 seats open
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Fees: ARC Internship Fee: $200 (refundable)
Restrictions: Graduate only. Alt Routes to Certification-SE only. Alt Route Teaching Cert 2425 cohort(s) only.
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal with G
Instructional Methods: Arranged
Note: Extended Deadline