ISM 6225: Information: Ethics and the Common Good (2024-2025)

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Brings the moral philosophy of Western and Eastern traditions into dialog with the biblical, theological groundwork addressed in BUS 6201. Emphasizes being fully human in a data-driven world and practical, real-life information and technology ethics scenarios. Topics include information security, privacy, transborder data flow, information ownership and responsibility, information as power, model bias and discrimination, ethical implications of AI, personal interactions and behavior in and out of the workplace, corporate social responsibility, the sustainable development goals, and ethical principles for moral leadership in information, data science, and technology. Typically offered: Winter.

Term CRN Credits Instructor(s) Days Time Dates Location Open
Winter 20147 2 Tom Parks
6:00PM-7:50 PM
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Restrictions: Graduate only.
Attributes: Theological Reflection Course
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Normal with G
Instructional Methods: Online
Note: Full Term

BUS 6201: C or better
AND ISM 6001: C or better