ORG 7001: Faith, Meaning and Professional Foundations: Vocation, Ethics, and Integrity (2024-2025)
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Introduces the concept of vocation as a whole life model by reclaiming the meaning of work in the pre-industrial concept of one's entire life as a calling to God. Reviews the research on the spirituality inherent in work, the historic perspective on the religious implication of work, the nature of work vis a' vis other life realms, definitions of vocation and the integrated whole-life model of vocation. Also examines the concepts of ethics and integrity from a biblical basis as they relate to the practice of organizational psychology and change management. Also investigates bases of moral development and ethical decision-making.
Winter |
20279 |
4 |
Helen Chung
1:00PM-4:30 PM
Marston Watson Hall 127
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Restrictions: Doctoral only.
Attributes: Theological Reflection Course
Grade Modes: (Default) Normal Grading, Audit
Instructional Methods: Traditional
Note: Full Term