Classes by Instructional Method


Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Summer 2024 Clinical Psychology Courses
60006 CPY 7000 Traditional History and Systems of Psychology 5 Keyne Law 12 open seats
60007 CPY 7110 Traditional Psychopharmacology 5 Cynthia McNabb 7 open seats
60008 CPY 7230 Traditional Cognition and Learning 5 Baine Craft 5 open seats
60009 CPY 7240 Traditional Social Psychology 5 Narayan Singh 6 open seats
60010 CPY 7330 Traditional Psychological Assessment: Personality and ... 5 Jordan Houghton 6 open seats
Autumn 2024 Clinical Psychology Courses
428 CPY 7020 Traditional Research Design and Methodology 5 Munyi Shea 20 open seats
429 CPY 7031 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research I: Intro... 5 Jessica Fossum 15 open seats
904 CPY 7201 Traditional Psychological Interventions V: Addictive B... 4 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 2 open seats
434 CPY 7310 Traditional Psychological Interventions I: Cognitive B... 5 Keyne Law 7 open seats
435 CPY 7316 Traditional Psychological Interventions III: Experient... 5 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 8 open seats
436 CPY 7400 Traditional Ethics and Laws in Clinical Psychology 5 Thane Erickson 12 open seats
438 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Keyne Law 28 open seats
439 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Thane Erickson 73 open seats
440 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Munyi Shea 32 open seats
441 CPY 7927 Traditional Clinical Foundations I 2 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
Winter 2025 Clinical Psychology Courses
20340 CPY 7009 Traditional Psychological Interventions IV: Group, Int... 4 Thane Erickson 7 open seats
20341 CPY 7032 Traditional Quantitative Methods in Research II: Corre... 5 Jorge Lumbreras 15 open seats
20343 CPY 7141 Traditional Psychological Assessment: Neuropsychology 4 Vanessa Zhou 8 open seats
20344 CPY 7210 Traditional Developmental Psychology 5 Jenny Lee Vaydich 8 open seats
20345 CPY 7220 Traditional Psychopathology 5 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
20346 CPY 7315 Traditional Psychological Interventions II: DBT and Th... 5 Keyne Law 7 open seats
20348 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Thane Erickson 43 open seats
20349 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Keyne Law 38 open seats
20350 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Munyi Shea 40 open seats
20351 CPY 7928 Traditional Clinical Foundations II 2 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
20867 CPY 7929 Traditional Pre-Clinical Placement 2 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 8 open seats
20356 CPY 7951 Traditional Advanced Topical Seminar in Clinical Psych... 4 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 3 open seats
Spring 2025 Clinical Psychology Courses
40334 CPY 7101 Traditional Neural and Biological Bases of Behavior 5 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 15 open seats
40335 CPY 7130 Traditional Human Sexuality 5 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 15 open seats
40336 CPY 7200 Traditional Personality Theory and Research 5 Thane Erickson 15 open seats
40337 CPY 7280 Traditional Diversity and Cultural Competence in Clini... 5 Yu Chak Sunny Ho 15 open seats
40338 CPY 7300 Traditional Psychological Assessment: Intelligence and... 5 TBA Staff 15 open seats
40340 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Thane Erickson 50 open seats
40341 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Keyne Law 50 open seats
40342 CPY 7820 Traditional Clinical Supervision and Consultation Group 1 Munyi Shea 50 open seats
40346 CPY 7952 Traditional Advanced Topical Seminar in Clinical Psych... 4 Munyi Shea 16 open seats