Bridge Care Center

Fall Quarter 2023 times: 3rd Saturdays (1 time a month), 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

UI Site Leader:  Lauryn

Location: Ballard neighborhood

About the Bridge: The Bridge Care Center (BCC) is a drop-in resource center for unhoused or economically insecure neighbors in the Ballard area. Volunteers assist by running the community closet and offering hospitality to friends of the BCC.

Website: Bridge Care Center


  • help neighbors find and sort clothes and other items
  • help connect clients to other community resource
  • help clean, organize and set up clothing center
  • help take unwanted items to GoodWill
  • help with occasional special events


Follow us on Instagram @urban_involvement.

About Urban Involvement: Urban Involvement connects SPU students to a variety of community organizations through weekly service teams. 

Contact for more information or any questions.

Students outside walking

Reconciliation Studies

Equip yourself to participate in the work of reconciliation when you add a Reconciliations Studies minor to your given field of study.