Open Class List


Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Autumn 2024 Clinical Psychology Courses
442 CPY 7930 Arranged Clinical Placement 2 Thane Erickson 57 open seats
443 CPY 7931 Arranged Advanced Clinical Placement 1-2 Thane Erickson 42 open seats
444 CPY 7940 Arranged Internship 4 Thane Erickson 14 open seats
445 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Munyi Shea 12 open seats
448 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Thane Erickson 10 open seats
449 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Keyne Law 14 open seats
450 CPY 7995 Arranged Research Mentoring 1-2 Jenny Lee Vaydich 15 open seats
451 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Jenny Lee Vaydich 15 open seats
452 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Lynette Bikos 28 open seats
453 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Thane Erickson 29 open seats
454 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Joel Jin 30 open seats
455 CPY 7999 Arranged Research and Dissertation Mentoring 1-2 Keyne Law 28 open seats
Autumn 2024 Education: Administration Courses
822 EDAD 6940 Arranged Principal Administrative Internship 3 Julie Antilla 16 open seats
821 EDAD 6941 Arranged Program Administrator Internship 3 Julie Antilla 17 open seats
881 EDAD 7890 Arranged Executive Leadership Field Experience 1 Julie Antilla 19 open seats
Autumn 2024 Education (EDU) Courses
778 EDU 6945 Arranged Residency Student Teaching Internship 4 Jill Heiney-Smith 48 open seats
779 EDU 6945 Arranged Residency Student Teaching Internship 3 Kirsten Koetje 47 open seats
780 EDU 6949 Arranged Student Teaching Internship 1-10 Jill Heiney-Smith 25 open seats
795 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Scott Beers 10 open seats
796 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Julie Antilla 10 open seats
797 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Kris Mensonides Gritter 10 open seats
798 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Nyaradzo Mvududu 10 open seats
799 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 David Wicks 10 open seats
816 EDU 7995 Arranged Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Munyi Shea 8 open seats
Autumn 2024 Information Systems Management Courses
132 ISM 6930 Arranged Information Systems Management Consulting ... 1 Ryan LaBrie 10 open seats
Autumn 2024 Marriage and Family Therapy Courses
485 MFT 6937 Arranged Clinical Practicum V 2 Anne Prouty 5 open seats
486 MFT 6937 Arranged Clinical Practicum V 2 Peter Rivera 4 open seats
487 MFT 6937 Arranged Clinical Practicum V 2 Hee-Sun Cheon 2 open seats
488 MFT 6937 Arranged Clinical Practicum V 2 Annie Moon 3 open seats
868 MFT 6937 Arranged Clinical Practicum V 2 Bill Collins 5 open seats
Autumn 2024 Industrial/Organizational Psy Courses
368 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Paul Yost 10 open seats
369 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Helen Chung 8 open seats
370 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Joey Collins 9 open seats
371 ORG 7995 Arranged Research and Dissertation 2-4 Jorge Lumbreras 10 open seats
372 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Helen Chung 5 open seats
373 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Paul Yost 5 open seats
374 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Joey Collins 5 open seats
375 ORG 7999 Arranged Extended Dissertation 1 Jorge Lumbreras 5 open seats
Autumn 2024 Research Psychology Courses
459 RPS 6930 Arranged Practicum 1-3 Jenny Lee Vaydich 15 open seats
460 RPS 6995 Arranged Research and Thesis 2-4 Jenny Lee Vaydich 15 open seats